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All 2 posts   Subject: poppy seed tea fatal overdose   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 21:25
No 539897
      poppy seed tea fatal overdose     

Just when I said I was going to shut up about this topic, my freind was e-mailed a link to a website Seems concerned parents of a person who died from drinking poppy seed infusions put up this website to alert potential users of this "spice". my own experiences with consuming these seeds over a three year peroid impressed upon me that the potency can vary greatly. One batch several years ago was so potent that a 10 pound box lasted two people over three weeks of daily consumption. the batch was so potent that extreme dysphoria would be experienced if too much was consumed. I have heard of a poppy POD overdose in germany, but never of a seed overdose.

(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 21:47
No 539900
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Seems concerned parents of a person who died from drinking poppy seed infusions put up this website to alert potential users of this "spice".

President of the Iraqi Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Development Society

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