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All 16 posts   Subject: US forces storm Fallujah   Please login to post   Thread expires   Down

(soccer mom)
11-08-04 13:06
No 540418
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      US forces storm Fallujah     

NEAR FALLUJAH, Iraq -- With warplanes and artillery pounding the city, U.S. troops fought their way into the western outskirts of Fallujah today, seizing a hospital and two bridges over the Euphrates River in the first stage of a major assault on the insurgent stronghold.

Iraqi interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said he had given the green light for international and Iraqi forces to rid Fallujah of ``terrorists,'' who he said were using mosques and hospitals as refuges. Thirty-eight people were killed and four foreigners captured when Iraqi forces swept into Fallujah's main hospital, he said.

Throughout the morning, artillery and mortars pounded targets inside the city and on its outskirts. A U.S. jet swooped low to fire rockets at insurgent positions on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. An AC-130 gunship raked the city all night long with cannon fire, and and before dawn, four 500-pound bombs were dropped, raising orange fireballs over the city rooftops.

At the Fallujah's main hospital, Iraqi soldiers stormed the facility, blasting open doors and pulling patients into the halls in a search for insurgents.

``Iraqi forces entered Fallujah hospital, capturing four foreigners and killing 38 persons, we do not know whether they are Iraqis or not. They were stationed in the hospital in order to carry out terrorist actions,'' Allawi told a press conference in Baghdad.

Here we go!frown

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.
(Hive Addict)
11-08-04 22:26
No 540495
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      Iranian insurgents     

The propaganda channel is preparing us for the future Iranian war slowly, by dropping little comments like "many of the falluja insurgents were Iranian" or "we are starting to find that many of the insurgents are Iranian." Everything they can do to draw a connection between Iraq and Iran. So we can steal their oil under the guise of dismantling their otherwise "peaceful" nuclear energy facility.

Its is indeed coming. They will soon see how far they can take it. If we will accept a bogus election, what's next? crazy

(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-08-04 22:38
No 540498
User Picture 
      So what are you going to do about it?     

So what are you going to do about it?
Oh sorry, that question is HATER rhetoric.

Funny that. 35000 US soldiers against 1500-3000 (according to US sources) insurgents and a few thousand collateral sand niggers who just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

You know, at least the Nazi killers during WW2 had balls and a little honour. They would have walked in that town and shot everyone who was armed and a few civilians too and lost 200 of their own people in the process. (May they rot in hell).
Today the US forces are afraid to get a bruise on their pinky so they send their Air Force to try out all the new smart bombs and level the town.

So how long will you watch this and be complacent fucks?

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
11-08-04 23:00
No 540502
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      Storming an urban area.     

To reduce civilian casualties, they will need to go in on foot rather than level the place. You need at least a 3-fold advantage in numbers to storm an urban area and at least 5-fold if you want an acceptably low level of casualties (attacking forces that is).

The US army doesn't care about losing troops and its close quarter combat tactics are based on clearing an area fast at the expense of losing troops.

The US army doesn't mind losing troops but this is not acceptable politically so they will probably level the area instead. Thousands of civilian casualties are politically acceptable.

Are you, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
(Hive Addict)
11-09-04 00:17
No 540514
User Picture 
      Nice bait Os     

"So how long will you watch this and be complacent fucks?"

Nice bait Os, catchy line to add to all of the war related threads? I intend to sit back and watch the quality of American life diminish to that of a 3rd world nation because then maybee the brainwashed will wake up from their delusional nationalist mindframe. Nobody revolts anymore, not even incarcerated inmates with nothing to lose. Everybody here (in America) is more concerned with their next paycheck and inmates are more concerned with their next dope sack. Its the fear of incarceration, homelessness and starvation that keeps people in check. crazy

I personally want to see it escalate into a world war. I can't wait until Russia and China get involved. If there REALLY was a way to "do something about it" I'm sure the WOD would have ended a decade ago, let alone the WOT.

I can just see SWIM out there with a measly pistolgrip Mossberg trying to incite passivist protesters, sporting hemp garb and dreadlocks or recruiting other arm chair politicians like I see every day working at 7-11, or artsy fartsy lesbians that predominate this area in a rediculous attempt towards trying to make a difference.

I myself have incited many riots and did my part as a casualty of the drug war. Destroyed $1,000s in property and even injured a few cops. For what? What did it change? Nothing whatsoever, just got me locked down for extended periods of time.

Do you want us to bee branded a terrorist? To get locked down without the assistance of an attorney?

Life as a martyr is not appealing at all. It will have to come from within the military. A dissention in the ranks so to say.

Isn't that how most successful revolutions occur?

(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-09-04 00:55
No 540523
User Picture 
      > I personally want to see it escalate into     

> I personally want to see it escalate into a world war.

I personally want to see dumb fucks who cannot figure out that the word is mightier than the sword to have their personal testosterone-fuelled world war they desire, but leave us decent people (that includes fags, artsy-fartsy lezbos and commie bastards) out of it. That would be great.

> Do you want us to bee branded a terrorist? To get locked down without the
> assistance of an attorney?

Was that supposed to be a serious question demanding a serious answer?

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Comandante A)
11-09-04 01:06
No 540529
User Picture 
      Hey.......I got me a sand nigger     

Did anyone else see the Jarhead unit commander priming the troops with "evil-doer" rhetoric?

(Hive Bee)
11-09-04 21:44
No 540702
User Picture 
      A Few Thousand Collateral Sand Niggers     

Counterbias propaganda:

I don't see why any American could complain about this genius use of resources and human beings.  What could be more productive and useful, and is more likely to win hearts and minds around the world.

This criticism is beyond me.  How could you be against an action which is so profitable?  Can't you see that we have taken the 1/2 trillion dollar {weapons, murder and massive money-laundering malfeasance} budget and privatised most of it?

Every Smartbomb we use to spread intestines and burst eardrums of some young Fallujah civilian is another impetus to US economic growth!  The world has too many arms and not enough prosthetics.  Every few years we need to get out our aerial rubble-makers, stir up a few natives and turn over inventory.

Every American soldier that dies represents a net boost to our GDP!  Caskets have to be assembled, flags have to be draped, flowers killed, purchased and strewn. Kellog Brown and Root probably has to take care of all the transportation logistics at 13x market rates, and ensure the bodies are hidden at all points so American people never have to consider the logical connection between death and war in any tangible way.  (Or the connections between war and the currency markets, and between war, oil, drugs and gold.)  Lets all keep "Rooting" for more dead American soldiers - More dead Americans for a stronger America!   More dead Iraqis for a freer Iraq!  Violence and murder and air raids is the best tools to create the conditions for peace and democracy.  Makes great sense to me, doesn't it make sense to you?

This war is an economic bonanza and we should all be rejoicing in our hearts!  Our stock option compensation should appreciate nicely as a result of the courage and bravery of the American soldier, and their love of their country.  My retirement account is looking exceedingly healthy, how about yours?  Wow, wouldn't it be great if we took all this money and made a club where we decieved and brainwashed the American public into gutting capital gains taxes on our ill-gotten dividends, and starting more Vietnam wars to ensure that those dividends remain fat and juicy?  Too bad the American public has no retirement security since we bankrupted Social Security on purpose, and didn't fund any of the private-sector pensions as we were supposed to by law.  Ha ha ha, we are so clever, we really fucked the dumb proles over this time. 

I am so sick of this - physically sick.  Sick at old white males who pathologically continue to play zero-sum games, when positive alternatives exist, because they see they can gain temporary power and relative advantage by dragging others down to misery.  FUCK relative advantage.  We need to stop playing these zero-sum games!  The positive alternatives we could pursue, fragile and needing sustained constructive efforts, are instead being systematically cut off and destroyed as each wrong decision is irrevocably made.

If I thought it would do any good, I would really like to see these sick fucks sweating in a war crimes trial.  They are truly criminals.  How could they presume that their singleminded addictive drive for power and profit is the criterion that qualifies them to make decisions for the lives of the other 6.5 billion people on the planet?

These morons are so short sighted they cannot look beyond next fiscal quarter, or next election cycle, and realize in their insanity they are pushing the situation towards the edge of the cliff.


boot from the shadow of a broken mirror
(Comandante A)
11-10-04 07:06
No 540766
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      Greetings from Fallujah     

(Comandante A)
11-10-04 07:48
No 540774
User Picture 
      The Fire is Spreading...     

The Fire is Spreading... 

Dahr Jamail, Electronic Iraq, 9 November 2004

The blasts of mortars exploding in the so-called "Green Zone" are thumping out my window as I type tonight. The blades of military helicopters chop the air as they circle above the area looking for, well, looking for something.

"I know what they are doing to us-they are putting is in a big jail. First they close the borders with Syria and now Jordan, so we are trapped in Iraq," says Salam. "Now they put a curfew on Baghdad. This is the first. The second is that the highway bridge connecting us to the west of Baghdad is bombed. Another bridge that leads to the south (Kerbala, Hilla, Najaf) was bombed. And now the other highway south to Amara, Nasiriya and Basra is blocked."

"So all they have left to close is the highway to Diala...when that last one is closed, we are locked in to Baghdad," explains Salam, his face stoic but concerned, "We are in. This is our life here man."

Iraqi Secretary of Defense, Hassim al-Sha'alan, today announced to al-Arabia television that the resistance is organized and they have already prepared to fight in other places. So the fighting in Falluja will not end when the Americans take the city. The fighting will begin in other places like Baghdad, Baquba, Latifiya, Ramadi, Samarra, Khaldiya, Kirkuk and elsewhere.

Thus, the word on the street that the resistance was mostly out of Falluja prior to this battle is verified by the Iraqi Minister of Defense himself. The fire had begun to spread long before the current onslaught of Falluja.

Salam has a friend who just came from Baquba and said that the resistance came to the police station and told them to leave because they would be bombing the station. This policemen who left said he watched the resistance bomb the station. At least 25 policemen have been killed there, between two stations that were bombed.

In Kirkuk, the retaliatory strikes by the resistance for what is happening in Falluja have commenced as well. A suicide bomber detonated his car at a base for Iraqi National Guard, killing at least 1 national guard member and 2 civilians.

Of course the random gun battles and retaliation is ongoing in Baghdad. The so-called "Green Zone" continues to take mortars. This has been going on sporadically throughout the day, but is consistent now...the whumping explosions are incessant, even with choppers circling about overhead.

Also today, two churches in Al-Dora were destroyed by car bombs which detonated 5 minutes apart. When the injured and dead were taken from the scenes to Yarmouk Hospital, the hospital was car bombed. At least 8 people died it the hospital car bombing.

"We are looking at this just as numbers," says Salam with a deep breath, "But this is 8 families. This is 8 families that are suffering now."

5 policemen were killed in Al-Dora as well-not by car bomb, but by fighting with the resistance.

The growing fire of resistance has spread into the political realm in Iraq as well. The Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS) has called upon people not to vote in the upcoming election.

Dr. Harith al-Dhari, the secretary-general of the AMS, openly supports the Iraqi resistance to the occupation and has from the beginning. "We have said we support the resistance since the occupation of this country began," he said today, "This is our right as Iraqis. Therefore, we don't need a fatwa on this issue as this matter is clear."

Also today, a major Sunni political party, the Iraqi Islamic Party, has withdrawn from the Iraqi Interim Government. "We are protesting the attack on Falluja and the injustice that is inflicted on the innocent people of the city," said Abd al-Hamid, "We cannot be part of this attack."

Abu Talat called and told me of the curfew now in Baghdad. We have to be off the streets by 9:30 pm or we will be shot on sight.

"You know Dahr, I used to stay out until 3am. Now this is our life," says Abu Talat. He is enraged. "This is some kind of freedom. Thank you, George Bush. This is our life."

Everyone is nervous on the streets in Baghdad tonight. Every car left unattended is suspected as a car bomb.

Another man I met with today, Haythem, expressed his feelings about the occupation, Falluja, and the martial law.

"Iraq is pregnant with an American fetus," he pauses for emphasis and says, "And we need birth control pills." He sits for a moment, and after making a toast with a soft drink adds, "Long life to Falluja."
(Comandante A)
11-10-04 07:55
No 540779
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      Marines blast into Fallujah By Scott Peterson...     

Marines blast into Fallujah

By Scott Peterson The Christian Science Monitor
FALLUJAH, Iraq — By Tuesday, the tired and sweaty members of 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, had worked their way about halfway through Fallujah. They were ahead of schedule.
"So we made it," said a surprised and sweating Lance Cpl. Carlos Cabezasrojas of Secaucus, N.J., as his company launched its final attack of the day. "I got my confirmed kill, too." EDIT - AWESOME DOOOOD!

That kill came as Bravo Company pushed south. Cabezasrojas spotted two men who fired rocket-propelled grenades and then tried to bury an explosive device.

"I got the first one," said Cabezasrojas, kneeling with his M-16 rifle at the edge of the farthest point of advance. "The whole squad got the second."

Block by block, street by street, U.S. Marines and Army troops began seizing control of Fallujah despite some chaotic delays entering the city.

The main assault into Fallujah came Monday evening from six battalions arrayed at separate points along the northern edge of the city. Those from the northeast made swift headway, while resistance was much heavier in the northwestern Jolan district.

The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, pushed all the way to the main east-west road that bisects Fallujah — a line that commanders said might take four days to reach.

The northeast sector penetrated by the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, yielded more stray dogs than armed insurgents. But incidents throughout the day underscore that the insurgents here are not a spent force.

Expecting and finding numerous explosive devices and booby traps, American units moved methodically through the city.

Every vehicle is treated as a potential car bomb and every person a possible enemy.

Approval even came over the radio to shoot dogs with shotguns to prevent them from carrying explosives.

Bravo's final attack of the day, mounted jointly with vehicles of a light armored reconnaissance company, demonstrated how overwhelming U.S. firepower has dominated the fight.

Capt. Gil Juarez, the light armored reconnaissance company commander, began the assault by blasting his 25mm turret gun down a street toward a target house. Teams fired small mortars. "You want me to fire one more volley?" Juarez asked a Bravo Company officer.

"Please, sir, if you would," the officer replied.

Scores of infantry troops began walking down the street behind armored vehicles that aimed their guns down each side street and blasted any car in sight. Rebels claimed to have rigged more than 100 car bombs.

Doors along the way were blown open. At least one car fired upon burst into flames. Troops detonated numerous improvised explosive devices.

As the Fallujah advance continues, commanders worry about small groups of insurgents popping out of alleys, streets and buildings.

1st Lt. Paul Webber, a platoon commander, said he was sitting in his vehicle turret Monday when a man in a white T-shirt and black sweat pants stepped out of the bushes 25 yards away and hunkered down to fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the vehicle.

"I saw him, and I was in shock, in awe," Webber said. He fired, wounding the man in the leg, but the attacker managed to launch the rocket.

"I felt the heat," Webber said. "He missed by just a few meters."

The relative ease of the advance Tuesday contrasted sharply with the barrages that met U.S. forces when they breached the city limits overnight Monday.

The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines endured a rain-soaked, dangerous 13-hour ordeal getting into the city.

The battalion was supposed to blow a path across train tracks, but the tracks were well-built and didn't break on the first attempt. Then an armored bulldozer got stuck in the breach as Marines began to target nearby houses and artillery blasts and airstrikes lit up the night sky.

With no radio and poor night-vision goggles, the backup bulldozer at first couldn't find the breach.

The delay meant that several vehicles came together near the breach point.

Insurgents took advantage, launching three mortar rounds that struck two tanks and an armored troop carrier and wounded four people.

Scouts guiding the backup bulldozer joined the firefight.

At least 10 American servicemembers have been killed in the fighting; insurgent and civilian casualty figures remain unknown.
(Comandante A)
11-10-04 08:36
No 540788
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      More from the Turkey Shoot     

'I got my kills ... I just love my job'

Toby Harnden in Fallujah observes American soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division taskforce avenging their fallen comrades as battle begins

After seven months in Iraq's Sunni triangle, for many American soldiers the opportunity to avenge dead friends by taking a life was a moment of sheer exhilaration.

As they approached their "holding position", from where hours later they would advance into the city, they picked off insurgents on the rooftops and in windows.

"I got myself a real juicy target," shouted Sgt James Anyett, peering through the thermal sight of a Long Range Acquisition System (LRAS) mounted on one of Phantom's Humvees.

"Prepare to copy that 89089226. Direction 202 degrees. Range 950 metres. I got five motherf****** in a building with weapons."

Capt Kirk Mayfield, commander of the Phantoms, called for fire from his task force's mortar team. But Sgt Anyett didn't want to wait. "Dude, give me the sniper rifle. I can take them out - I'm from Alabama." YEEHAAA!

Two minutes tick by. "They're moving deep," shouted Sgt Anyett with disappointment. A dozen loud booms rattle the sky and smoke rose as mortars rained down on the co-ordinates the sergeant had given.

"Yeah," he yelled. "Battle Damage Assessment - nothing. Building's gone. I got my kills, I'm coming down. I just love my job."

Phantom Troop had rolled out of Camp Fallujah, the main US military base, shortly before 4am. All morning they took fire from the Al-Askari district in Fallujah's north-east, their target for the invasion proper.

The insurgents, not understanding the capabilities of the LRAS, crept along rooftops and poked their heads out of windows. Even when they were more than a mile away, the soldiers of Phantom Troop had their eyes on them.

Lt Jack Farley, a US Marines officer, sauntered over to compare notes with the Phantoms. "You guys get to do all the fun stuff," he said. "It's like a video game. We've taken small arms fire here all day. It just sounds like popcorn going off."

Another marine stepped forward and began to fire an M4 rifle at the city. "He's a reservist for the San Diego police. He wants a piece of the action, too". TYPICAL

A Phantom Abrams tank moved up the road running along the high ground. Its barrel, stencilled with the words "Ali Baba under 3 Thieves" swivelled towards the city and then fired a 120mm round at a house where two men with AK-47s had been pinpointed. "Ain't nobody moving now," shouted a soldier as the dust cleared. "He rocked that guy's world."

One of Phantom's sniper teams laid down fire into the city with a Barrett .50 calibre rifle and a Remington 700. A suspected truck bomb was riddled with bullets, the crack of the Barrett echoing through the mainly deserted section of the city. The insurgents fired 60mm mortars back, one of them wounding a soldier.

There were 25mm rounds from Phantom's Bradley fighting vehicles, barrages from Paladin howitzers back at Camp Fallujah and bursts of fire from .50 calibre machineguns. One by one, the howitzers used by the insurgents were destroyed.

"Everybody's curious," grinned Sgt Anyett as he waited for a sniper with a Russian-made Dragonov to show his face one last, fatal time. A bullet zinged by.

Dusk fell and 7pm, "A hour", the appointed hour to move into the city, approached. The soldiers of Phantom all reflected.

"Given the choice, I would never have wanted to fire a gun," said Cpl Chris Merrell, 21, manning a machinegun mounted on a Humvee. "But it didn't work out that way. I'd like a thousand boring missions rather than one interesting one."

On his wrist was a black bracelet bearing the name of a sergeant from Phantom Troop. "This is a buddy of mine that died," he said. "Pretty much everyone in the unit has one."

One fear playing on the mind of the task force was that of "friendly fire", also known as "blue on blue".

"Any urban fight is confusing," Lt Col Newell, the force's commander, told his troops before the battle. "The biggest threat out there is not them, but us."

His officers said that the plan to invade Fallujah involved months of detailed planning and elaborate "feints" designed to draw the insurgents out into the open and fool them into thinking the offensive would come from another side of the city.

"They're probably thinking that we'll come in from the east," said Capt Natalie Friel, an intelligence officer with task force, before the battle. But the actual plan involves penetrating the city from the north and sweeping south.

"I don't think they know what's coming. They have no idea of the magnitude," she said. "But their defences are pretty circular. They're prepared for any kind of direction. They've got strong points on all four corners of the city."

The aim was to push the insurgents south, killing as many as possible, before swinging west. They would then be driven into the Euphrates.

• Tony Blair's problems over Iraq deepened still further last night when one of his most respected former advisers suggested the entire conflict had been illegal.

Sir Stephen Wall, who was head of the European Secretariat in the Cabinet Office, said: "We allowed our judgment of the dire consequences of inaction to allow us to depart from the rule of law."

(Balanced Ego)
11-10-04 09:39
No 540795

and i guess people like jade still don't feel HATE.

(soccer mom)
11-10-04 12:07
No 540807
User Picture 
      Cool, Hypo!     

you're back to the HATER rhetoric.

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.
(Balanced Ego)
11-10-04 14:21
No 540826

are you a HATER or not?
(or are you admitting that this HATER stuff is stupid?)

(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-10-04 17:09
No 540847
User Picture 
      Love the LOVER rhetoric up there ...     

Love the LOVER rhetoric up there ...

Dear Jade (and everyone else), if you take the rest of the world criticising the actions of the US government, armed forces and voter sheeple which allow that to happen as a personal threat against you and your loved ones, your country, The Beloved Homeland, The Flag, The Holy Constitution and Everything America Stands For then you aren't any wiser than the average redneck-republicunt Dubya supporting 'Let's kick some towelheads ass' patriot. Is the brainwashing you got really that deeply seated that you cannot look at the suitation from an outsider's perspective, and that you have to resort to this childish 'hAteR' bullshit??

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!

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