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The Couch  

All 10 posts   Subject: The Worst Posts Ever   Please login to post   Thread expires   Down

11-09-04 05:20
      The Worst Posts Ever
(Rated as: pointless)
(Hive Bee)
11-09-04 06:23
No 540586
User Picture 
      Too much spare time     


Some of those are funny though

(Hive Bee)
11-09-04 06:45
No 540596
      Cuz I be tweakin'     

It's cuz I be tweakin' hard y'all and perusing around the board mm'hmm. laugh

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Bee)
11-09-04 08:17
No 540610
User Picture 

the fetus should bee given to science...
some of these are about as bad as my "dumbest post of the week"
Ive been wondering... what bee has the pleasure of coming up with the ratings
do the mods take shifts thinking up those funny ass "rated as" comments?

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Bee)
11-10-04 10:47
No 540798
User Picture 
      a diamond in the rough     

Post 524968 (Trenchcoat: "penis amputation and other body mods (pics)", The Couch)
(Rated as: sick twisted fuck)

Better loving through chemistry.
(Hive Bee)
11-10-04 15:02
No 540832
User Picture 
      holy shit!     

i could have lived my entire life without ever havin to see those pics!crazy

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 22:02
No 541090
      ah those were good. my favorite rating was 'a...     

ah those were good. my favorite rating was 'a profound display of stupidity' ahhahahaha what a riot.
(Hive Addict)
11-11-04 22:28
No 541096
User Picture 
      Rhodium's Flesh Eating Bacteria?     

Jboogie (ever think of switching to jlugi?cool) wrote i could have lived my entire life without ever havin to see those pics!

you may not respond the same way to this but did you ever see rhodium's post about flesh eating bacteria?

Post 499083 (Rhodium: "Necrotizing fasciitis", Stimulants)

Anyone who wants more paranoia about meth related skin problems should definitely take a look at that.

can't flush this
11-12-04 02:49
No 541145
User Picture 
      worst rating     

This poor bastard still has double digit negative karma from this post Post 527314 (dotdotdot: "we were born with this", The Couch)

I kinda feel bad as I suggested the rating crazy


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 20:38
No 541274
User Picture 
      you forgot one     

you forgot a few
  iving ether Post 500067 (fnord: "iving ether", General Discourse)    
  (Rated as: crossposted
  pl Post 540065 (fnord: "pl", Newbee Forum) 
dont know if this will show the link or not

every body keeps picking on me :(

fume hoods are for girly men

All 10 posts   End of thread   Top
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