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All 10 posts   Subject: Are You a Fascist? Take the Test.   Please login to post   Thread expires   Down

(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 12:07
No 541011
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      Are You a Fascist? Take the Test.

Hitler to the left of Thatcher:


Saddam Hussein, Yassir Arafat socialists:


I'm with the Dalai Lama on this one.

Are you, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
11-11-04 17:00
No 541048
User Picture 
      /me luvs quizzes..     

interesting quiz :)

i'm in the low left.. (but who cares.)
(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 19:04
No 541060
      cool quiz     

Its funny how america demonized saddam, with all the looped footage of his mass graves and such. I wonder where the u.s. will bury the 600 dead from the falluja massacre. Won't they need a big mass grave for them? I mean i'm a very peace loving guy but saddam knew the threat of the regligous extremists and thats why he kept authority over them. Remember all the torture chambers that he had? What about abu grade(?) and the mass homosexual rape and humillation, and torure that took place. Honestly they should replace the fifty stars with a big swatika and get it over with.
(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 22:50
No 541100
      I wonder...     

How many of us (aside from Sam) WOULDN'T fall somewhere in the lower left quadrant? I certainly did, though not as far left as I would have imagined...


Mourn the Iraqi patriots in Falluja, Mosul, Baiji, Kirkuk, Basra, Balad... Far too many.
(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 23:11
No 541108
      TD: Economic Left/Right: 1.50 Social ...     


Economic Left/Right: 1.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08

..we've got to help each other out Cause this is how we all survive..
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 01:31
No 541130
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      Left Libertarian     

I fall <-9 on both axes.  Individual freedom requires a basic level of individual economic security.  The ideal of equality lacks meaning if it has no material basis.

boot from the shadow of a broken mirror
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 01:35
No 541131
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      A Hive Chart     

If we get enough scores (taken via a proxy of course), I'll put together a Hive chart.

Are you now, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
(Comandante A)
11-12-04 02:17
No 541138
User Picture 
      Its funny how america demonized saddam, with...     

Its funny how america demonized saddam, with all the looped footage of his mass graves and such.

Every war the United States has been in has been against an "evil" dictator.....................that had gone past his use-by date.

11-13-04 18:27
No 541403
      Right-Leaning Libertarian     

Economic Left/Right: 6.38
Social Libertarian Authoritarian: -3.79

This score is most similar to 2004 Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik's score.
(Hive Bee)
11-13-04 19:01
No 541409
User Picture 
      My personal experience...     

Every war the United States has been in has been against an "evil" dictator.....................that had gone past his use-by date.

All dictators are evil, but some are better friends to the US than others.

President of the Iraqi Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Development Society

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