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All 15 posts   Subject: Must Have Been Fresh Outta Pepperspray   Please login to post   Thread expires   Down

(Hive Addict)
11-13-04 19:58
No 541417
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      Must Have Been Fresh Outta Pepperspray     

Will the madness ever end?mad
Police Taser 6-Year-Old Boy At Elementary School
POSTED: 6:51 am EST November 12, 2004
UPDATED: 6:15 pm EST November 12, 2004

MIAMI -- A 6-year-old boy was subdued with a Taser while wielding a piece of glass and threatening to hurt himself in the principal's office, officials said Thursday.

The boy, who was not identified, was shocked by police with 50,000 volts of electric current on Oct. 20 at Kelsey Pharr Elementary School.

Principal Maria Mason called 911 after the child broke a picture frame in her office and waved the piece of glass, holding a security guard back.

When two Miami-Dade County police officers and a school officer arrived, the boy had already cut himself under his eye and on his hand.

The officers talked to the boy without success. When he cut his own leg, one officer shocked him with a Taser, then another grabbed him to prevent him from falling, police said.

He was treated by Miami-Dade Fire-Rescue and taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he was committed for psychiatric evaluation.

"By using the Taser, we were able to stop the situation, stop him from hurting himself," police spokesman Juan DelCastillo told The Miami Herald. "Sure he could have been tackled and maybe injured, maybe his arm broken or maybe that glass could have cut him in a critical area."

Retired Juvenile Judge Frank Orlando called the incident "ridiculous."

"It just sounds excessive to me to Taser gun a 6-year-old when everyone else around there were adults," said Orlando, who now runs a law clinic on youth law at Nova Southeastern University. "They couldn't subdue a 6-year-old? Must have been a pretty big kid."

Police wouldn't say how big the child was. The case was under review.

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
(Hive Addict)
11-13-04 23:14
No 541440
      50,000 volts of electric current Are volts...     

50,000 volts of electric current

Are volts current? No...

fear fear hate hate
(Hive Addict)
11-13-04 23:36
No 541442
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      Miami police review new Tasered-child case     


Not too sure but I believe you are right.
The jolt was enough to make the kid puke immediately.
I was looking for the news story online that detailed that part and found this.
Wasn't sure if I read the story here about the 12 year old girl tasered in miami or in my other travels across the web.

Miami police review new Tasered-child case
11/13/2004, 12:18 p.m. ET
The Associated Press   

MIAMI (AP) — Police have acknowledged using a stun gun to immobilize a 12-year-old girl just weeks after an officer jolted a first-grader with 50,000 volts.
(there is obviously a mistake in reporting here cause the firstgrader(6yr old) was tasered yesterday and the 12yr old girl was tasered weeks ago)

Police Director Bobby Parker defended the decision to use a Taser on the 6-year-old boy last month because he was threatening to injure himself with a shard of glass. But Parker said Friday that he could not defend the decision to shock the fleeing girl, who was skipping school and apparently drunk.

According to the incident report, officer William Nelson responded to a complaint that children were swimming in a pool, drinking alcohol and smoking cigars on the morning of Nov. 5.

Nelson said he noticed the girl was intoxicated and was walking her to his car to take her back to school when she ran away through a parking lot.

Nelson, 38, said he chased her and yelled several times for her to stop before firing the Taser when she began to run into traffic. The electric probes hit the girl in the neck and lower back, immobilizing her.

Nelson said he fired "for my safety along with (the girl's) safety." Paramedics treated the girl, who went home with her mother.

Parker said department policy permits officers to use the Taser to apprehend someone, but he said he expected his officers to use better judgment, especially when police had no plans to arrest the girl.

The first incident had already exposed the department to more criticism for its use of Tasers, which it has begun distributing in greater numbers to officers.

The 6-year-old boy was shocked on Oct. 20 in the principal's office at Kelsey Pharr Elementary School. Principal Maria Mason called 911 after the child broke a picture frame in her office and waved a piece of glass, holding a security guard back.

The boy had cut himself under his eye and on his hand when officers arrived.

"The police could have handled this better," said the boy's mother, Kathy Rojas. "They did not have to shoot him."

Parker said that, in light of the disclosure of the second incident, the department will review its policy.

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
(Hive Addict)
11-14-04 00:52
No 541452
      Yes, of course such an detail isn't the point.     

Yes, of course such an detail isn't the point. I don't think I need to say anything about the incident though...

fear fear hate hate
(Hive Bee)
11-14-04 01:53
No 541463
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      In America     

authority has become darkness.

Are you now, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
(Hive Addict)
11-14-04 02:20
No 541469
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      They would have to lock me up!     

"By using the Taser, we were able to stop the situation, stop him from hurting himself,"

Sounds like an act of liberation. "Violent Pacification" A government solution to everything. Regardless, if it is used in the middle east or here at home. mad

"We'll FORCE you to bee nice to each other, kill you before you kill each other." D.R.I
(Hive Addict)
11-14-04 03:24
No 541482
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      vietnam deja vu     

"We had to zap the boy, to save the boy."

Cui peccare licet peccat minus - One who is allowed to sin, sins less. (Ovid)
(Hive Bee)
11-14-04 09:23
No 541497
      Volts vs. Watts     

50,000 volts isn't that damaging so long as it isn't associated with a large number of watts, which police tasers aren't. It's the watts that'll hurt ya.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Addict)
11-14-04 12:16
No 541506
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he is fucking six!!!!! surely a security guard could have overpowered him..............

chemically enhanced.
(Hive Bee)
11-14-04 14:25
No 541510
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      I thought it was Amps     

It's the watts that'll hurt ya

In Vocational Electricty we were taught that the amperage is what does the damage.

...a little bit 'o meth goes a long way
(Hive Bee)
11-14-04 15:22
No 541516

i think the cops need some sort of shoulder-launched pudding blaster; a tool to immobolize a person with a massive blob of sploodgy colloidal suspension; possibly edible.

or maybee a glue-gun could bee used to spray a film of glue where the person's feet are. boys might escape that, beecause they'd leave their shoes in the glue and bolt barefoot. but girls won't abandon their shoes, from what i've seen.
(Hive Bee)
11-14-04 16:47
No 541521
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amperage is what will kill you. you can have a system with 10,000 watts and .5 milliamps that wont kill you. you can also have a system with little wattage but 20 amps, that could kill you.
i think the kid puked from adrenalin shock. ive been shocked soooo many times by soooo many more volts and amps and never puked. but fuck an A, the kid was six!mad

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-14-04 19:40
No 541538
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      > amperage is what will kill you.     

> amperage is what will kill you. you can have a system with 10,000 watts and .5
> milliamps that wont kill you. you can also have a system with little wattage but
> 20 amps, that could kill you.

This statement didn't clear up anything at all, only added to the confusion.

The amperage that ends up traveling through your body will kill you. An electric welder, which delivers 100 or more amperes, is absolutely harmless since its voltage is so low. Same with a car battery. It can deliver hundreds of amperes, but since it only produces 12V you won't even feel anything when you touch both battery terminals.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
11-14-04 19:42
No 541540
      Electrocution modes     

Electricity can kill directly in two ways: through ventricular fibrillation and through burns. The former occurs within a certain window of current, which is 0.05-1.0 amperes according to a dictionary, and causes the heart to stop. There must still be enough voltage to overcome the resistance of skin as the resistance of the tissue under skin is much less, so the voltage does play a role too. The latter occurs when the voltage times the current aka power is enough: you will get burned by 10kW even if it is only 0.5 mA as the tissue heats up causing damage. And even if you survive the burns medical attention is necessary as a gangrene will soon

Another thing is what will the muscle spasms you get even with lower amounts of current do. Will you fall down, hit your head on the floor in a whip slash manner and die of an internal hemorrhage? A normal heart attack is another possibility and there are many others as well. Humans are so delicate machines...

Of course, such cases are accidents and the authority giving the taser treatment will likely get away. It is merely the price of a more civilized world! Walking to the kid, grabbing his arm and taking away the deadly piece of glass you say? But that's barbaric and most of all cowardly!laughwink

fear fear hate hate
(Hive Bee)
11-14-04 20:00
No 541541
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      SI Units     

Note that you should use the standard multiplier prefix rather than fractional values.

0.05 Amperes is written correctly as 50 milliamperes

DC current fibrillates the heart at lower currents than AC. The latest stun-guns generate a 45 kHz waveform, which is much safer for the heart. At this frequency, it would take several Amperes to fibrillate the heart.

It is also important as to where the current is applied - . Directly to the heart, microamperes can cause fibrillation - this is known as microshock and great care is taken to avoid this where medical devices enter the chest cavity. The standard current effects are limb to limb, where the current passes through the trunk, some of it transiting the heart.

Stun-guns have 2 effects: extreme pain and paralysis of the muscular control system. The reason the little boy vomited could be from either effect. I think a reasonable follow-up would be for the officer who used it on him to have a stun gun inserted up his anus, or at least a good beating.

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