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All 16 posts   Subject: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine   Please login to post   Down

10-18-00 20:35
No 61193
      Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

I can't find the usual 'recreational' dose for this anywhere. Can someone with experience help out? There are vague references that it is approx. twice as potent as codeine but this doesn't appear to be true. I experience noticeable effects from 200mg of codeine, but 180mg of this supposed dihydrocodeine seems very weak - almost non-existant. I'm begining to suspect that I may have been ripped off with these tablets...
10-21-00 18:14
No 62103
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

10-21-00 20:10
No 62123
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

Id say so. you should have caught a buzz. go punch out the person that sold those to you.
heh heh heh.

if you can't grind it, it's not OMNI
(Hive Bee)
10-21-00 20:36
No 62131
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

You should feel 100mg of hydrocodone if you are not too tolerant to opiates.  Perhaps the pills are "stale". 

My crabs are gone,
but now it hurts to pee
(Hive Bee)
10-22-00 06:22
No 62282
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

its not 2:1, its like 13:10 or so. mainly used as an antitussive, dhc continuous i beleive comes in a maximum of 120mg per tablet. it can be purchashed in 90mg tabs such that you could take 180mg but if thats not the case I think you might have got some bs tabs. furthermore, i dont beleive dhc contin is sold in the united states, so unless you live elsewhere god only knows where you stuff came from. oh yes, almost forgot, the continuous part means that this is time released which is probably another problem you are facing.
10-22-00 21:19
No 62462
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

They were obtained from a well known online pharmacy based in Spain. The tabs are branded 'Contugesic' and are reportedly 60mg each. Each tab is white, oblong shaped with "DHC 60" printed on one side. They were supplied in authentic blister packs.
(Hive Bee)
10-24-00 06:11
No 62858
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

crush the pills up before ingesting and see what happens. i would suspect that with 180mg of dhc immediate release you should feel something unless you ate alot before hand or you weight a hell of a lot.
10-25-00 05:38
No 63125
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

snort, you pussy.
how many do you have?
enough to do an a/b?

my cock is nine inches long.
10-25-00 17:26
No 63226
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

Enough, but its a lot of hassle to do an A/B extraction. I take it that the tartrate salt (which these are) is insufficiently soluble for the nasal route to be effective? Give me some idea on the dose range for nasal.
11-08-00 14:48
No 67755
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

I have a lot of experience on Dihydrocodeine and normal Codeine as I am prescribed them for pain. I find that dihydrocodeine are more powerful but only slightly, the 13:10 is probably correct. The do give a very similar euphoria, if not better, but do tend to make one a little more sleepy.  I have just received some DHC 120 from the same pharmacy and the problems you are having are from the fact that they are modified release pills designed to work over 12 hours rather than the usual 4. What we both need is someway to extract the dihydocodeine from the pills to stop the continus effects. I have tried crushing, and putting them in water which seems to make little difference, I have added lemon juice to mimic the stomach pH and that makes little difference. I have found that I need 5+ (600mg) to have any appreciable euphoria because of the slow release but still not as good as non-continus where I would only need 300mg doses to put a smile on my face.
Anyone got any ideas how we can dissolve them into non-continus DHC? BTW my chemistry so far only extends to codeine cold water extraction, so it needs to be simple for a simpleton.

(Hive Bee)
11-08-00 20:54
No 67829
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

Dissolve them in water, freebase & extract with toluene or chloroform. Hydro freebase is soluble enough to snort, if you can stand the burn. Taken orally, your stomach acid will convert the freebase into the hydrochloric salt, which will absorb rapidly.

Drugs are the cheapest & most reliable form of space transport.
11-08-00 22:27
No 67872
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

Is there anyway my friend could do this that wouldn't look suspicious to his girlfriend who he lives with and who  disagrees with him having fun with pills so would be very unhappy if he started doing anything with strong smelling chemicals. Is their a way to make them dissolve in normal Dihydrocodeine with water + heat + stuff from the kitchen? He will have the opportunity to extract in a couple of weeks when she goes away for a couple of days but he is so greedy he will have done the lot before then.

BTW suggesting that my mate chuck's his bird is not a solution!

Lardy. blush
11-17-00 07:56
No 69800
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

Did you ever find a way to get a good buzz from the Contugesic? (BTW it only took me 2 weeks to work out that Contugesic = CONTUnis analGESIC)
What dose or did you extract?


[i]i am a dyslexic dog.
(Hive Bee)
11-24-00 20:57
No 70677
      Re: Oral dose of dihydrocodeine     

If your hydro pills do not contain ASA or APAP, just crushing them fine & dissolving in a minimum  amount of boiling water & filtering should extract the goodies. Dry the solution & grind the remains to a powder for snorting. The tartrate salt should absorb better & faster than the freebase.

Drugs are the cheapest & most reliable form of space transport.
(Hive Bee)
10-09-04 03:03
No 534997
      I would also be interested in how to remove...     

I would also be interested in how to remove the time release from DHC continus, if simply crushing does not work?

So differently divine...
(Hive Bee)
10-15-04 11:36
No 535953
      snort dhc ??     

You speak about snorting dihydrocodeine :
Dry the solution & grind the remains to a powder for snorting

but i read somewhere that dihydrocodeine and codeine don't produce effects when snorted ( for metabolic reasons : need to be demethylated or glucuronated).

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