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All 26 posts   Subject: Hive literature collection: Volunteers needed   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
05-30-04 19:43
No 510360
User Picture 
      Hive literature collection: Volunteers needed     

Dear fellow bees,

more than a year ago Lego started to collect all articles ever mentioned in the Hive. What started as a big task turned into a unbelievable amount of literature. The collection has at the moment 5131 entries, some articles mentioned twice or more but they were collected nonetheless.

The aim of this compilation is one the one hand to avoid double post and on the other hand safing time and money for other bees by not going to library.

It seems to bee impossible to finish this task without help from other bees. Therefore Lego is looking for bees who can assist in this task. Any help is appreciated!

PS: At the moment the compilation is in an Excel-file. Is there any other way to share these data? The best would be a kind of HTML-page where you can sort and search as you want.

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Hive Bee)
06-01-04 13:38
No 510714
      The Hive literature collection     

Would it be of any help if I went through all my own posts and made a list of the references and gave it to you? If it was, what information would you like to have of those references?  Citation, authors, title, even abstract?

If more people did it, it might be of much help.

fear fear hate hate
(Active Asperger Archivist)
06-01-04 17:31
No 510737

I don't have much to contribute except my offer to work at this project.  I don't keep much here with me, I do most of my work online.  However, it is only fitting that I should work on such an archive.  Lego, let me know what task you'd like me to begin with and I'll get crackin'.

Act quickly or not at all.
(Hive Bee)
06-01-04 18:41
No 510741
      I've got nothing to.....     

I've probably got nothing to contribute either except a shitload of time, so if i can help in any way just pm me and let me know what i can do.

I'm not racist,
I hate everyone.
(Hive Bee)
06-01-04 20:08
No 510749
      Sounds like something I've been thinking about     

The best would be a kind of HTML-page where you can sort and search as you want

When it comes to providing server space as well as some web programming skills, my ears are burning (english idiom for "you're talking about me").

I've got right around ~1000 pdf files of my own, and have long been contemplating the best format for a database to hold them all.

Actually based on your initial post in this thread, you were somewhat unclear whether you are referring to just the references, or to the actual electronic copy of the document as well.  I would hope to make this collection include both an index of every reference as well as a link to the hardcopy of the reference...  In a way we would be creating our own version of Pubmed smile...

But then again, let us not forget this is what Rhodium's site has long been doing, however he's always been updating it by hand, which creates a horrible bottleneck of labour as our boss bee is quite a perfectionist (which is both a great trait and a hinderance).  I know for a fact that he's been dreaming of his own web based document manager complete with indexes (see Post 480391 (Rhodium: "Need CSS help with my page", The Server Room)), so I'm sure he would really appreciate it if our efforts were portable and eventually wound up on his site.

So Lego, give me a PM, and I will show you what I've been working on so far...  Definately read that thread as Rhodium is full of good ideas, having done the web archive thing for many years now.  Hopefully the streak of inspiration found in this thread will provide the solution Rhodium has been dreaming of without aversely affecting his site during development.

(Hive Bee)
06-01-04 21:08
No 510754
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      The arcHIVE (TM)     

Perhaps the last post was a bit unclear as it was written in hurry.

Aim of this literature collection:
Provide a list with all relevant information (journal, year, volume, page, title/abstract, author, Hive post number) of ALL articles EVER mentioned in the Hive community

- To avoid double post --> save time
- Easily read articles on a different subjects without using TFSE (if you ever tried to search for an article e.g. JACS 67, 205 (1945) without knowing what was the entered by the bee who posted it knows the trouble, either lots of results or none) --> save time

It is not the aim to collect all fulltexts or clippings, only the 'Post No'.

The articles were found by either
- using TFSE (searching the string '1850' and increasing the number by one), hoping that at least the year of the article was mentioned
- reading the Hive
- using links provided in the posts found

The support Lego is looking for is quite simple (perhaps a great task for people on meth?! wink):
Get a list of threads which are not archived yet (PM to Lego), copy&paste all articles to an Excel-file with the same format.

Journal Year Vol Page No Title or Abstract Type Link Author/s

Putting all the abbreviations in the correct manner can bee done later.

This is a part of the list collected so far:
The full database can bee downloaded as a text file.

Journal Year Vol Page No Title or Abstract Type
Gazz.Chim.Ital.; 42 I, 36 1912     Post 411732 (Rhodium: "It is very likely the glycol", Methods Discourse) Boiling point of isosafrole #
Chem Ber 1903 36 3580 Post 411732 (Rhodium: "It is very likely the glycol", Methods Discourse) Boiling point of isosafrole #
Indian Journal of Chemistry 1985 24B 683-684 Post 412226 (GC_MS: "Photooxidation of beta-asarone", Serious Chemistry) Photooxidation of beta-asarone f
JACS 1965 77 4633 Post 412095 (Megatherium: "Refs. for this kind of reaction", Methods Discourse) References for reaction of iminium ions j
JACS, p 4636, 5698, 5754 1955 77   Post 412095 (Megatherium: "Refs. for this kind of reaction", Methods Discourse) References for reaction of iminium ions j
Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, Ger.) p 305, 601, 610 1972     Post 412095 (Megatherium: "Refs. for this kind of reaction", Methods Discourse) References for reaction of iminium ions j
Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B, B28, p 433 1974     Post 412095 (Megatherium: "Refs. for this kind of reaction", Methods Discourse) References for reaction of iminium ions j
Liebigs. Ann. Chem. 1953 581 85 Post 412095 (Megatherium: "Refs. for this kind of reaction", Methods Discourse) Refs for intramolecular olefin - iminium ion cyclizations j
Chem. ber. 1960 93 1956 Post 412095 (Megatherium: "Refs. for this kind of reaction", Methods Discourse) Refs for intramolecular olefin - iminium ion cyclizations j
JOC 1966 31 3099 Post 412095 (Megatherium: "Refs. for this kind of reaction", Methods Discourse) Refs for intramolecular olefin - iminium ion cyclizations j
Chem. Ber. 1974 107 975 Post 412095 (Megatherium: "Refs. for this kind of reaction", Methods Discourse) Refs for intramolecular olefin - iminium ion cyclizations j
Chem. Res. Tox 1992 5 89-94 Post 411595 (pHarmacist: "2 articles on MDMA pharmacology", General Discourse) MDMA pharmacology l
Heffters Review of Psychedelic Research 1998 1 46-51 Post 411595 (pHarmacist: "2 articles on MDMA pharmacology", General Discourse) MDMA pharmacology l
Arch. Pharm. Res. 1998 21(1) 70-72 Post 411081 (thallium: "Total Synthesis of Fentanyl", Novel Discourse) Total Synthesis of Fentanyl f
Heterocycles 1981 16 267-291 Post 410147 (bottleneck: "Here are a few old review articles: ...", Tryptamine Chemistry) Synthesis of 4-Substituted Indoles and Their Elaboration to the Ergot Alkaloids. l
Tetrahedron 1980 36 3123-8149 Post 410147 (bottleneck: "Here are a few old review articles: ...", Tryptamine Chemistry) Synthetic Strategies to the Ergoline Ring System of Ergot Alkaloids. l
Tetrahedron 1976 32 873-912 Post 410147 (bottleneck: "Here are a few old review articles: ...", Tryptamine Chemistry) Biosynthesis of Ergot Alkaloids and Related Compounds. l
JACS 1984 106 1813-1819 Post 410147 (bottleneck: "Here are a few old review articles: ...", Tryptamine Chemistry) ;Synthesis of Ergot Alkaloids from Tryptophan. l
JOC 1964 29 843-849 Post 410147 (bottleneck: "Here are a few old review articles: ...", Tryptamine Chemistry) Synthesis and Transformation Products of Compounds in the 1,3,4,5-Tetrahydro-5-oxobenz[cd]indole-3-carboxylic Acid Series l
Tetrahedron Letters 1986 27 3995-3998 Post 410147 (bottleneck: "Here are a few old review articles: ...", Tryptamine Chemistry) The Oxidation of Aldehyde Bisulfite Adducts to Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives with Dimethylsulfoxide and Acetic Anhydride. l
Helvetica Chimica Acta 1950 33 2257-61 Post 410147 (bottleneck: "Here are a few old review articles: ...", Tryptamine Chemistry) Über Derivate des 1,3,4,5,-Tetrahydro-benz(cd)indols. l
J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 2002   1564-1567 Post 408378 (CardinalLaw: "delta-9-6a,10a-tetrahydrocannabinoids", Methods Discourse) delta-9-6a,10a-tetrahydrocannabinoids l
Can J chem 1973 51 1402 Post 405601 (Chimimanie: "DOM analogs (Can J chem 51 1402 1973)", Novel Discourse) The synthesis of Some Analogs of the Hallucinogen 1-(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOM) f
Synthesis 1976   767 Post 405313 (demorol: "Acyl chlorides -> aldehydes", Novel Discourse) Acid to Aldehyde p
Berichte 1909 41 4148-4150 Post 413374 (Lego: "The original reference", Novel Discourse) Acid to Aldehyde j
Journal of Chromatography 1976 117 232-235 Post 406851 (Rhodium: "Measuring PCC contamination of PCP", Methods Discourse) The detection of PCC contamination in illicit preparations of PCP and TCP f
Tetrahedron 1986 42 523-528 Post 409525 (Rhodium: "Why asarone cannot be oxidized with peracids", Methods Discourse) Asarone and peracids f
JACS 1947   911-914 Post 409923 (Megatherium: "Prodine, the old way", Methods Discourse) Synthesis of prodine f
J. Org. Chem. 1974 39(19) 2852 Post 411005 (Promethium: "4- and 5-Indanaldehyde", Novel Discourse) Indanaldehyd a
J. Org. Chem. 1985 50 1373-1381 Post 409150 (Rhodium: "Ni-catalyzed coupling of BnCl + AcCl -> P2P", Novel Discourse) Ni-catalyzed coupling of BnCl + AcCl -> P2P  f
Tetrahedron Letters 1983 24(24) 2451-2452 Post 409900 (Rhodium: "The preliminary communication by the same authors", Novel Discourse) Ni-catalyzed coupling of BnCl + AcCl -> P2P  p
J. Org Chem. 1984 49 1830-1832 Post 411126 (thallium: "Electrochemical Procedure...Isosafrole", Novel Discourse) Electrochemical Procedure for a Practical Preparation of Piperonal from Isosafrole f
J. Chem. Research (S) 1989   296-297 Post 412043 (Rhodium: "One-pot Conversion of Primary Alcohols to Amines", Novel Discourse) A Facile, One-pot Conversion of Primary Alcohols to Amines f
Syn. Comm. 2003 33(2) 281-289 Post 406227 (Rhodium: "Reduction of nitro to amine - Zn/N2H4.HCOOH", Novel Discourse) Zinc/Hydrazinium Monoformate Reduction of Nitro Compounds to Amines a/l

j - just mentioned
f - fulltext
p - part of the fulltext
a - abstract
l - link to the fulltext
# - data from the article (e.g. physical data)

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Hive Addict)
06-01-04 21:11
No 510756
User Picture 
      some brainstorming     

I do as well keep my own little database of articles, complete with handwritten HTML GUI including structure drawings and a 'precursors'/'next step' section in each compound monograph, this way you can just click thru all the possible rxn steps and everything gets crossconnected. Would be nice to have such a feature in (an advanced version of) whatever  database we're talking about here.

I would also vote for not only making this a reference collection - but if we were to get all the hardcopies - there's quite a lot of work to do. Some of the most interesting articles are already in Rhodiums .pdf archive / the hive. I think many scanned articles can be found on the harddisks of various hive members. Which leads us to an estimated 4500 references still to be gotten. Well: here's the plan: if every member with access to a useable library takes 2-5 refs per week off the big list, it would take 25 members a year to get the task completed, more people, less time - simple.

(Active Asperger Archivist)
06-02-04 06:07
No 510858

We need all the references listed out first.  How are you ever going to keep 25 people organized and in sync with each other without knowing which refs are needed, still needed etc.

The table format that Lego has looks great, but that's a hell of a lot of typing if you know what I mean.

Act quickly or not at all.
(Hive Addict)
06-02-04 15:49
No 510963
User Picture 
      auto orga     

>How are you ever going to keep 25 people organized and in sync with each other without knowing which refs are needed, still needed etc.

I'm not. But here's how I imagine a working model:

Add one more field to the list: 'to be retrieved by' ; If I would volunteer to get 5 articles off the list, my name shows up in the respective 'to be retrieved by' cells. Then everybody knows they will soon be there and can pick one or more papers nobody is retrieving yet.

This would of course require some online database interface where I can tell the list I get this and that article. Maybe too idealistic and unrealistic, but if enough people like the thought, I'm sure it is possible.

(Chief Bee)
06-02-04 16:11
No 510973
User Picture 
      The aim is to make a quick index to Hive posts     

I think you have misunderstood the request. He does not want people to fetch articles, he want us to catalog the literature references made in all Hive posts to date:

It is not the aim to collect all fulltexts or clippings, only the 'Post No'.

The support Lego is looking for is quite simple (perhaps a great task for people on meth?!) wink
Get a list of threads which are not archived yet (PM to Lego), copy&paste all articles to an Excel-file with the same format.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
06-03-04 20:43
No 511279
User Picture 
      Bees are social insects     

The first bee just volunteered and got work, more have to follow!

Post 311068 (PolytheneSam: "Electrochemical reduction", Tryptamine Chemistry)
Post 258971 (lugh: "Methylene Sulfate", Novel Discourse)
Post 471343 (Rhodium: "Acidic condensation of Benzaldehyde & MEK", Novel Discourse) only this post please, not the whole thread
Post 487686 (Rhodium: "More MEK/Benzaldehyde condensation refs", Novel Discourse) only this post please, not the whole thread
Post 503547 (Rhodium: "Baeyer-Villiger on unsaturated ketones", Novel Discourse) only this post please, not the whole thread
Post 504840 (Rhodium: "Some further related references", Novel Discourse) only this post please, not the whole thread
Post 504867 (moo: "Baeyer-Villiger on unsaturated ketones", Novel Discourse) only this post please, not the whole thread
Post 341064 (Barium: "Here´s the NaOH method: 1. Procedure In a 6-l.", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 198968 (WizardX: "Re: Reductions of cyanohydrins", Serious Chemistry)
Post 276470 (PolytheneSam: "electroreduction of amides to amines", Methods Discourse)
Post 199428 (lugh: "Re: Cannibinol -->d-6-THC -->d-6-THC Acetatete synth", Novel Discourse)
Post 198068 (superhybrid: "Cannibinol -->d-6-THC -->d-6-THC Acetatete synth", Novel Discourse)
Post 427980 (WizardX: "Amine Methylation", Stimulants)
Post 398302 (Protium: "Almost forgot", Novel Discourse)
Post 204938 (obituary: "Nitroethane synths", Methods Discourse)
Post 107095 (LaBTop: "All O2 Wacker problems Solved  KrZ  Page 2", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 77203 (thissuks: "C02 Extractions", Stimulants)

Post 294273 (Rhodium: "Cocaine Analogs", Novel Discourse)
Post 350855 (Scooby_Doo: "Electro Birch and Imine Reduction", Novel Discourse)
Post 305874 (java: "re-tentative meth, addendum", Stimulants)
Post 49720 (Antoncho: "One more idea for LAHless nitrostyrene reductions", Novel Discourse)
Post 108459 (dormouse: "wag the DOB  -quirks", Novel Discourse)
Post 103272 (ymir: "Mercury Recovery/Disposal", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 457757 (thallium: "Here are a few more:", General Discourse)
Post 458872 (jim: "New Post for Electro-Birch", Stimulants)
Post 459981 (Rhodium: "Synthesis of DOM optical isomers", Methods Discourse)
Post 126930 (Rhenium: "Suggested 2 step reaction to AMT", Tryptamine Chemistry)
Post 460366 (GC_MS: "2-Alkoxy-4,5-methylenedioxybenzaldehyde made easy?", Novel Discourse)
Post 460291 (Rhodium: "4-DMAP is Synthesizable", Methods Discourse)
Post 460265 (GC_MS: "formic acid", Methods Discourse)
Post 460286 (Rhodium: "Nice microwave articles, but no inverted funnels", Methods Discourse)
Post 122815 (dormouse: "aryl halides' sensitivity to metal hydrides  -rev drone", Serious Chemistry)
Post 71298 (startinout: "has startinout won the OTC safrole comp?", Novel Discourse)
Post 175768 (lowtech: "Compounds, methods which modulate feeding behavior", General Discourse)
Post 181351 (FreddyFarce: "scared to drink gbl", General Discourse)
Post 300866 (Rhodium: "LSD and DOB: interaction with 5-HT2A receptors", General Discourse)
Post 108546 (dormouse: "New paper by Dave Nichols  -Lone Deranger", Novel Discourse)
Post 122808 (dormouse: "Replacing Benzene with Naphthalene  -Nemesis", Serious Chemistry)
Post 90051 (youngjunky: "acetic acid from vinegar?", Chemicals & Equipment)
Post 93183 (Semtex Enigma: "Benzene", Chemicals & Equipment)
Post 379214 (fallen_Angel: "P2P - new idea.", Novel Discourse)
Post 103365 (CHEM GUY: "Re: Oxidative amination of an alkene, maybe an electro possiblity.", Chemistry Discourse)

Post 108546 (dormouse: "New paper by Dave Nichols  -Lone Deranger", Novel Discourse)
Post 128072 (Penis Seinfeld: "SSRIs", The Couch)
Post 291203 (Rhodium: "ALEPH-2 Article", General Discourse)
Post 317367 (Vibrating_Lights: "Salvia", General Discourse)
Post 460413 (akdov: "similar study, different article.", General Discourse)
Post 461619 (GC_MS: "Ayahuasca: PEAs and MAOIs", General Discourse)
Post 460402 (akdov: "MDMA and States of Consciousness", General Discourse)
Post 460643 (psyloxy: "tosylbromide from sodium tosylate / Ph3P*Br2", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 460607 (psyloxy: "DMS  methylation of toluhydroquinone in 90%+ yield", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 460620 (psyloxy: "magnesium methoxide - Mg alkoxides - Mg, I2, ROH", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 460610 (psyloxy: "2,5-diMeOPhMeBr from 2,5-diMeOPhMe/NBS - 99% yield", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 460553 (akdov: "Some interesting articles", General Discourse)
Post 355308 (foxy2: "More Duff Reaction", Novel Discourse)
Post 353051 (foxy2: "Raney Nickel CTH Reduction of Nitro/Nitrile Groups", Methods Discourse)
Post 460741 (akdov: "PEA/tryptamine crosstolerance", General Discourse)
Post 460739 (akdov: "Do hallucinogens cause neuropsychological toxicity", General Discourse)
Post 108834 (dormouse: "Ephedrine XTC analogs from bakers' yeast.  -CHEM GUY", Novel Discourse)
Post 460928 (jim: "Nice article ,..  anyone got it?", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 460964 (GC_MS: "Psylocybin/psilocin extraction the Czech way", Tryptamine Chemistry)
Post 461039 (psyloxy: "Ethyl toluenesulfonate from TsOH/ CH2(COOEt)2, 50%", Chemistry Discourse)

Post 461043 (psyloxy: "easy, crappy nitroethane synth from TsOEt", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 461084 (Rhodium: "Photoamination References", Serious Chemistry)
Post 461178 (psyloxy: "acetaldehyde from TsOEt", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 461187 (psyloxy: "2,5-diMeO-benzaldehyde,an unusual synth from 14DMB", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 270360 (Lilienthal: "Re: Indole Grignards", Tryptamine Chemistry)
Post 431643 (bones: "the link seems fine from here ?? dunno", Methods Discourse)
Post 9737 (Rhodium: "Re: maybe 4 steps from tryptophan to DMT/DET/DPT", Tryptamine Chemistry)
Post 461388 (Rhodium: "Metabolism of of alpha-pyrrolidinopropiophenones", Serious Chemistry)
Post 451450 (Vitus_Verdegast: "I see this article has been mentioned before...", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 359122 (poix: "propanones from allylbenzenes through propanols", Novel Discourse)
Post 453566 (methyl_ethyl: "Complex Visual Hallucinations", General Discourse)
Post 445929 (Rhodium: "2-Chloro-4,5-Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine", General Discourse)
Post 444737 (Vitus_Verdegast: "Pilot study of meth enantiomer metabolism in man", Stimulants)
Post 175947 (jim: "RITTER!  Here are some of those references!", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 246815 (Natrix: "Re: Distillation of bromine", Novel Discourse)
Post 255453 (UTFSE: "Re: NaBH4 patents", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 285252 (slappy: "'Re: Easiest way to amphetamine in the kitchen+Fen", Methods Discourse)
Post 422144 (Aurelius: "Ephedra Species List", Stimulants)
Post 443217 (Rhodium: "H. Emde, Helv Chim Acta, 12, 365-405 (1929)", Stimulants)
Post 443176 (Rhodium: "More articles about Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine", Stimulants)

Update: the arcHIVE (TM) now contains 5183 entries!

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Hive Bee)
07-04-04 17:18
No 517405
User Picture 
      Patience is a virtue     

Dear fellow bees!

The arcHIVE now contains 5598 entries.
Embezzler contributed 123 entries, Chimitant 119 entries, Kinetic sent 10 pages of entries and all got new work!
Thanks! cool

The arcHIVE needs more volunteers in order to accelerate the collection! Please send a PM to Lego!

What do you think about one bee responsible for each forum collecting all the articles posted in the last posts?

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Hive Bee)
07-05-04 21:51
No 517629
User Picture 
      Proper layout of references     

You may call Lego a nerd but what about a common layout for articles?
You ask why? Because you easily find it and paste & copy it to the arcHIVE.

Lego suggests the Rhodium format:

Title & link, Journal, Year, Volume/Issue, starting page-endpage
DOI/Medline tag
[ upload ]if you are not Rhodium [ /upload]

Put the abstract here

like here: Post 514596 (Rhodium: "Many routes to 3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzaldehyde", Methods Discourse)
or here: Post 512438 (7is: "All the missing PBB articles part 1", General Discourse)

It is much better to read than e.g. Post 505367 (psyloxy: "H2O2 o-cresol to 2,5-dihydroxytoluene, 98%", Methods Discourse) (nothing personal Psyloxy, just the first post that was found)

Any suggestions/comments?

The arcHIVE now contains 5606 entries!

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Hive Bee)
07-06-04 22:59
No 517826
User Picture 
      Some more ideas...     

What a about a PM with all the relevant information (journal, year, issue/volume, page, title, author/s) to Lego when you post a new article?
At the moment Lego tries to collect all new articles but sometimes it is nearly impossible not to oversee anything (e.g. the 13th post in a stimulant thread).

Kinetic's 10 pages PDF contained 286 entries, now we have 5893 entries in the arcHIVE ®.

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Hive Bee)
07-08-04 17:50
No 518189
User Picture 
      Some updates     

- Kinetic got 20 more threads to bee indexed.
- The arcHIVE now contains 5917 entries.
- Kinetic now collects all articles from the Chemistry and Methods discourse
- Lego now collects all articles from the Novel Discourse, the Tryptamine and Serious Chemistry forum
- still more volunteers needed!

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Hive Addict)
08-26-04 21:26
No 527575
User Picture 
      reference markup tag ?     

Maybe this is just a stoned idea, but what about a reference tag in the markup ? This could have sub-tags for title, authors, journal, volume, issue, year, pages, abstract, DOI and an internal or external link to a .pdf or .djvu. Or there could be a simple version like [ref]JACS, 1939, 762[/ref], which would have better chances of getting used, while still beeing collectable with a script.

That way a list of articles could be auto generated about every week already in proper html formatting just to be copy'n'pasted to the existing database-file.

This would of course require everyone to use it, which might be problematic. I'm still interested in your opinions. Do you think using the scheme as in Post 517629 (Lego: "Proper layout of references", General Discourse) makes collecting refs easy enough ?

(Hive Addict)
08-30-04 21:02
No 528309
User Picture 
      It sounds like a good idea, it doesn't need to     

It sounds like a good idea, it doesn't need to be anything more than just a marker so that it is easily distiguishable with any search option or a script.

I don't see any way of getting people to actually use these though, as there are constantly new users and most people don't apparantly even read the rules on the first page or the faq. Even in the case of a script, if you wanted to really not overlook anything, somebody would probably have to double check the threads later on.

(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 19:47
No 529934
User Picture 
      Good idea & some updates     

Psyloxy: this markup tag is a good idea, as Jsorex mentioned it doesn't have to bee a special tag, just something like {article} which is not used otherwise. But many users just mention the reference, so they would hardly use the markup tag.
Post 528571 (Lilienthal: "That's a selective CB2 receptor ligand.", General Discourse).

At the moment Lego thinks simple collecting of the references is the thing to do.

With the help of Chimitant, Jsorex, Kinetic the arcHIVE now contains 6524 entries.
Volunteers are always welcome!

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 15:00
No 530852
User Picture 
      Who can convert a text file to HTML or better?     

Is there anybee who can convert a text-file (from an Excel file, each data field is separated) to a html-file or similiar code?

The new file should show the information (journal, year, etc.) and link to the Hive thread. If it is possible to change the sort sequence then it would bee perfect.

Please send a PM to Lego for the text-file.

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Chief Bee)
09-11-04 17:31
No 530874
User Picture 
      Use Excel, Dreamweaver and a search/replace     

In Excel you can save/export the document to HTML format, go to File > Save as Web Page and you'll get a nice-looking document, though somewhat bloated due to the inability of Microsoft products to produce standards-compliant HTML code.

In Dreamweaver MX there is a very useful tool in the menu Commands > Clean up Word HTML which will slash the size of the HTML file to less than half of its original size, while the looks of it still is indistinguishable from the original in a browser.

To make post numbers in table cells hyperlink to the Hive posts themselves, just check what the HTML table code look like, for example like this:
<td height=18 class=xl48>[485344]</td>

run a search/replace:

Change: <td height=18 class=xl48>[
Into: <td height=18 class=xl48><a href="


Change: ]</td> 
Into: ">[Link]</a></td>

and the result will be a cell containing the following code:

<td height=18 class=xl48><a href="">[Link]</a></td>

(http:// or https:// should be added in front of the www in the links above, but I couldn't do it above, or the html code had been auto-transformed into a link like this one: Post 485344 (Lego: "Reductive amination with Ti(iPrO)4/NaBH4", Novel Discourse))

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 18:23
No 530891
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Perhaps Lego was a bit unclear.
How to convert the Excel-file to a html-file is not the problem but
1) it looks terrible
2) it would bee much better if it is 'interactive', e.g. change sort sequence...
3) a short programm which converts the text-file to a file which can bee shown by every browser (perhaps inside the Hive?) is thing Lego is looking for.

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-11-04 18:52
No 530900
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      You need to export that Excel table into a...     

You need to export that Excel table into a database, which then can be searched and presented as dynamic content.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
10-06-04 01:08
No 534609
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      Can I help?     

It's no secret how I feel about this matter.  I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't volunteer my services.  Is there anything I can do to help?

I also own 2 web sites, one has 80 MB free space, the other is totally empty, as I just purchased the domain yesterday.  If some storage space is required and we can keep the properties from displaying the address of my website somehow, I would be happy to host some data and maybe free up your server for internal hive buisness, private area storage, whatever.  It has Frontpage 2002 extensions in place already, if  that search engine/forum format intrests you guys and gals.  I have forgotten more about Frontpage and Photoshop than most people ever need to know, if those skills can be of use.

I also play a mean guitar, if you want to start am all-bee Rock band and just travel the world spreading nectar and honey (he-he)wink

I'm around a lot, let me know if I can give a hand

Life is a lesson  and you'll learn it when your through
10-06-04 17:50
No 534700
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      Frontpage V.S. Dreamweaver     

Many think Dreamweaver is superior to Frontpage, but I disagree, especially if you are planning on using excel as the data collection base (both FP and excel are microsoft and come in the same bundle, and designed to be used together) As long as your web host uses frontpage extensions, uploading/downloading is a snap..faster that FTP IMHO, that is.  Plus I like the the Templet/setup Wizard that Frontpage uses.  It sets up the files and subfiles, page navigation, and even the web layout for you.  From what I have read in this thread, basicaly you would just have to cut and paste, cut and paste.

If you don't have Microsoft Office 2002 and would like me to stick it on a hidden page on one of my websites where you could download it from, I have no issue with that.  I'd let you do it via FTP, but I dont know you guys that well yet, and it's a long download (especially via dial-up) and I don't usually let the people I do know have access to my C: drive unattended. 

MS OFFICE includes Frontpage, excel, outlook, word and....hmmmm I forget what the 5th program is. After you D/L it, you can decide which ones to install or not, thus saving space by disgarding unused programs.

FP2002 is a WYSIWYG (wizzy-wig) or What You See Is What You Get layout format.  So as you design your sites, You see exactly what your visitors will see during the design phase. It is Photoshop friendly (I am not fond of the Fire-something editor that Dreamweaver uses) It comes with many site templets, and many more available on the web.

Dont get me wrong, Dreamweaver is a fine program.  For FTP submission and working directly on the site itself, it is a good platform.  I just like FP better, and it is mostly personal preference and minor feature differences that set them apart.

Happy Hunting

Life is a lesson  and you'll learn it when your through
10-07-04 19:02
No 534850
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      Lego: please could you send me the file of...     

Lego: please could you send me the file of your colloection (txt or html). I'm sure it can be integrated into the board software smile
(Wizard Master)
10-20-04 05:48
No 536746
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      Journal Index     

Journal Index and their abbreviations.

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