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All 4 posts   Subject: extraction of red hots   Please login to post   Down

07-10-04 06:50
      extraction of red hots
(Rated as: misinforming)
(Minister of Propaganda)
07-10-04 20:21
No 518593
User Picture 
      what's zylene?     

80-95% my ass.

Even if you used xylene.
07-10-04 22:03
No 518602
User Picture 
      You gotta be joking     

Man is that all the steps, you gotta be kiddin'. You may bee getting 85 to 90%, but how much of that is gakk?  Xylene is an aggressive solvent and will pull many gakks.

Have you tested the pfed in a rxn yet?

What kind of yeilds did the rxn give?

"Yeah motherfucker I'm high
and I'm thankful just to bee alive"-Dax
(Hive Addict)
07-11-04 01:36
No 518636

That has to bee bullshit! Prepuce didn't claim yields anywhere near that figure. I think he said 60% after the 2nd A/B and shortpath distillation.

Swim ended up with 40% after recrystallization.

Anything more than 66-70% is IMHO, gakk weight. I'm being generous here. 50-60% is average for most extractions.

Nice try, don't know who you are trying to impress with these rediculous claims. The highest yield Swim ever got even with a tetra trap was 74%. I believe Wareami used to get those kinds of yields during the pre supergakk era, pulling with alcohol.

Did you have to decant any kind of oils after flashing with acetone?

Your yield of finished product from this crudely extracted pseudo, probably brought back 30-40% of that original starting weight? crazy


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