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  No new posts   Digest: Attention dumbasses of the stimulants forum   Unobtainium   3794   1   04-28-04 08:40  
  No new posts   Digest: The Stimulants Forum FAQ   Rhodium   21486   1   11-10-04 10:44  
  No new posts   Forum cleaning time again.   WizardX   2161   8   12-04-02 00:12  
  Locked   Red Phosphorous & UTFSE   Rhodium   9060   16   08-28-01 02:16  
  No new posts   Notice to all.   WizardX   6552   24   07-20-02 07:31  
  No new posts   Major Deletion of Threads   WizardX   3533   15   04-29-02 18:33  
  No new posts   IT'S OK TO JUST LYE AROUND!!!!!   xtc4fun   5248   20   11-14-04 22:52  
  No new posts   Anhydrous ammonia from household ammonia   Jacked   4511   14   11-14-04 17:57  
  No new posts   Lithium/Anhydrous/Sudafed ...Li(NH3)n + e-(NH3)m   reeB_relliM   8909   49   11-14-04 16:14  
  No new posts   Couple o quick birch Qs   meths   2707   4   11-14-04 10:52  
  No new posts   Fuck   maj   1645   2   11-14-04 00:19  
  No new posts   new method of ephedrine production.   metalgirl   6279   14   11-13-04 15:50  
  No new posts   Failed Birch - Why?   Xavl2   2892   16   11-13-04 09:39  
  No new posts   Strange cut in meth?   localbuilder   2734   11   11-13-04 06:50  
  No new posts   Improved recrystallization   Prepuce   5371   18   11-12-04 23:52  
  No new posts   Intermediate Studies on the Sub-Oz Birch   dwarfer   1383   2   11-12-04 22:27  
  No new posts   P2P to Amphetamin //Collection   Radiumhero   2710   2   11-12-04 18:58  
  No new posts   Freebase RP/I Reaction Success   tina_craig   3237   11   11-12-04 07:38  
  No new posts   comparing rp   WinterSkrach   1401   3   11-12-04 07:01  
  No new posts   Hydriodic Acid--Step by Step Write-Up   Argox   15787   82   11-12-04 04:37  

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