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All 10 posts   Subject: low i2 yield?   Please login to post   Down

07-31-04 02:47
No 522836
      low i2 yield?     

swim does not know what 7% should produce, but feels he may be shortchanging swim. How many Gs should a pint produce for instance? Other methods??

(Hive Bee)
07-31-04 03:10
No 522840
User Picture 
      well - low IQ?? *lol*     

Actually, 7% "produces" the 7th part of one hundred...

the word "percent" is derived from "per cent" meaning "of hundred"!!! Every child knows it...

If you're talking about making I2 from iodine tincture - well ideally you will get 7% of the weight of your "pint".

And did you know there is the stimulants forum as well?? All iodine/red phosphorus/ephedrine etc. related belongs THERE!

(and actually its bad habit to open new threads for such simple questions!! What do you think the PM function is good for??)


Pleased to meet you hope you get my name.
But whats puzzlin you is the nature of my game!
(Hive Bee)
07-31-04 03:16
No 522843
User Picture 
      I dont even fuck around with meth or i2 or any     

I dont even fuck around with meth or i2 or any of that stimulant forum stuff but even i know thats been answered about 100 fuckin times.


"Drugs and akahol have ruiinnned my life..." -Tyrone Biggums
(Of Counsel)
07-31-04 14:01
No 522929
      Stim Forum FAQ     

Found the Stim Forum FAQ yet?

Might check out the threads listed there on I2 from Tincture.

Then again, you could UTFSE.... smile

mostly harmless
07-31-04 20:53
No 522968
User Picture 

just for the sake of making some use of this thread.

Expect 30 grams of dried i2 crystal if using hydrogen peroxide and muratic.

A slight more is available in the stock 7% depending on your ratios and time... making a max of about 35g

oh ya...   dont be a dumbass and do this reaction in an open container...  do it in a closed milk container and filter the shit outdoors if possible...   unless you want small i2 crystals forming in your nose and so on.

07-31-04 21:23
No 522975
      I'd say closer to about 50 grams if your not...     

I'd say closer to about 50 grams if your not fuckin up!

cpot you out there,Im home brother!!
08-01-04 01:26
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
08-01-04 02:53
No 523015
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      try this     

Post 522691 (evilscripter69: "SWIM's favorite method is", Stimulants)   BE SURE TO DO IN VENTILATED AREA, OUTSIDE IS BEST
(Head Coach)
08-01-04 04:08
No 523021
      Why your a stranger     

Well 'number427978' that is probably why you are a stranger...cause if'n your getting +/- 50gms from 1 pint of 7% Iodine....your scale is messed up bad or your 'fu#@ing up' as you put it ;-).  Cause even @ 100% of theoretical your way too high.  Do the math :-)  Pyrex out of figures

Yeah and if ya don't PAID me well, I won't INFORMANT you of the answers you are seeking ;-)
(formless fortitude?)
08-01-04 13:52
No 523088
User Picture 
      S/D shoots for an Oz. out of a bottle of 7%.     

S/D shoots for an Oz. out of a bottle of 7%. Some days he'll get a bit more, other days a bit less. Bu, usually right around an Oz.

A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.

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