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All 5 posts   Subject: PLEASE CAN ANY ONE HELP???   Please login to post   Down

09-06-04 01:55
No 529795

crazyI will more than likely receive a lot of ass chewing for this post,  but any help would be more than you could ever know, appreciated!!!  Once again a SWIM of mine was telling me all about another horrible nightmare they had the night before about driving one evening around 10:00 pm on a weekend night and forgetting about 2 packages in their luggage 56 g of some beautiful lg shared crystal sugar (makes one hell of a  glass of mint tea) well due to past dreams swim has a recent history with le anyway long story longer SWIM said they went into a panic when they noticed in their dream le behind them they wigged totally out and dumped it all into a plastic glass and poured a new coke into the glass. Is there anyway SWIM'S nightmare could turn out to just being a bad dream by some miracle extraction method?  Please be kind with replies, SWIM sometimes wears their feelings on their shoulderwinkTHANK YOU!!

Go ahead it's your dime I'm rocking
(Hive Addict)
09-06-04 02:49
No 529802
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      Cocaine of Speed?     

Are we talking cocaine or speed here?

You're for sure going to be able to get somthing usable back if you really put 2 full ounces of speed into one can of coke. But what a sugary mess.

If it really is speed maybe just forgetting the extraction and taking portions of it orally is the way to go. It's already flavored isn't it?

Next time use Evian or more appropriately Crystal Geyser and the extraction will be a breeze.

united black NASCAR drivers of America
09-07-04 00:11
No 530010
      Thank you for replying.     

Thank you for replying.  Yes it is speed, SWIM is a smoker not a drinkerfrown, SWIM even thought of getting tiny ice trays and freezing little cubes to add to other fresh soda's but SWIM would rather loose some to get to smoke some.wink

Go ahead it's your dime I'm rocking
09-07-04 00:21
No 530012
      Acid Base Extraction Solves Many Problems     

An acid base extraction will retrieve the product, use the fucking search engine wink

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
(Hive Addict)
09-07-04 00:54
No 530018
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      Intro to Chemistry     

Just think of it now as your intro to chemistry except that now you've completed your first reaction and you know for sure that it successful and that you're going to get nearly 2 full ounces of product out of it.

That is if what you had wasn't cut when you dumped it in your drink. If it was cut then what you get back from an A/B extraction will bee noticably superior to what you started with but the weight will be less.

Hint - look for geezmeisters post rxn workup

You'll have a little shopping to do to get the materials needed but this now being an intro to chem it really won't bee much considering if you were fully starting from scratch.

PS. Was your dumping of the product really necessary or was it a simple bit of paranoia? that's a lot of product to be carrying at one shot. Carrying any at all is usually too much.

united black NASCAR drivers of America

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