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All 20 posts   Subject: Windows XP Service Pack 2   Please login to post   Down

(Wizard Master)
09-08-04 02:20
No 530249
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      Windows XP Service Pack 2     

Some programs seem to stop working after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2

After you install Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), some programs may seem not to work. By default, Windows Firewall is enabled and blocks unsolicited connections to your computer. This article discusses how to make an exception and enable a program to run by adding it to the list of exceptions. This procedure permits the program to work as it did before the service pack was installed.

I had router and program problems after I installed the Windows XP Service Pack 2. So I thought this may help others?
(Hive Addict)
09-08-04 17:55
No 530325
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      Another workaround....     

WizardX: Another work-around I've found is instead of connecting to those services and letting them do the install over the network is to download the update/hotfix directly by rightclicking the link and "Save Target As".
Nowadaze too many services run in the background that will interfere with installs and file replacements!
Without shutting those programs/services down or disabling them prior to installing, you're sure to have problems!
Automatic Updates suck IMHO.
It's best to do it manually yourself I think!

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
(Wizard Master)
09-16-04 09:21
No 531589
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      Slipstreaming Windows XP Service Pack 2     

Slipstreaming Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Create Bootable CD
(Hive Addict)
09-22-04 10:44
No 532676
      Windows Service Pack 2     

Windows Service Pack 2 will disable and damage some programs that currently run perfectly on Windows Service Pack 2.
Except for some laptops that run a strange chipset, if you uninstall the program and reinstall the program again it will run fine.
Then again swim hasn't encountered every program on the planet.
09-22-04 18:25
No 532726
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      Some remarks:     

1. One should try to obtain a computer monthly periodical which has the Service Pack 2 CD in YOUR language packed with it. Mine cost just $4.50 and worked like a charme.
2. Like I told Aztec, A.L.W.A.Y.S install complicated programs on a Microsoft Operating System in SAVE mode (cold start, press F8), and ofcourse as an administrator in XP or Win200x.
So also use Save Mode on a Millennium system. LT/

09-27-04 22:22
No 533454
User Picture 
      Sorry guys but WinXP had made me crazy...     

I prefer to use Windows 2000 or even Win98SE..
Why to mess with this fancy crap of Microsoft that causes so many functional problems.

If you like to beautify the looks of your shell/desktop try using something like Talishman..
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
09-28-04 02:33
No 533498
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      Security issues aside, I've found win XP to a...     

Security issues aside, I've found win XP to a far superior product to 98 in terms of stability and capabilities myself.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
10-03-04 15:02
No 534275
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      well would you     

say to download ? did it really make a differance? thay sent me this service as a download .

was wondering if you that have it like it ?

I'd rather be hated for who I am than liked for who I am not .   (UH)
(Stoni's sexual toy)
10-03-04 19:51
No 534302
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      > download ? Yes of course. Dumb question!     

> download ?

Yes of course. Dumb question!

> did it really make a differance?

It will soon make one, e.g. when software expects it to be present.

> thay sent me this service as a download .

M$ doesn't send updates by email. Must be a virus or something.

I suggest you download the whole big 270MB package and burn it on a disk. If you're cool and want to impress the chicks you SLIPSTREAM it onto a copy of your WinXP install disk so it will already be included once you reinstall your Windows.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-10-04 19:45
No 535226
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      I can't stand that it constantly pops up with...     

I can't stand that it constantly pops up with a notice saying "My computer may be at risk" upon restarting simply because I choose not to have automatic updates.  I prefer to wait to make certain that any problems are ironed out first before I update.

Otherwise, service pack 2 seems pretty unobstrusive for the most part.  The pop-up blocker is a little irritating, but not bad overall.  I love how CNN has it's popups blocked. wink

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
10-10-04 21:18
No 535234
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I can't stand that it constantly pops up with a notice saying "My computer may be at risk" upon restarting simply because I choose not to have automatic updates.

Just turn the alert off, the option is in there somewhere...

Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor. -Ovid
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-10-04 22:13
No 535239
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      I'll try looking for it - I haven't had much...     

I'll try looking for it - I haven't had much chance to muck around with it recently.  I presumed that in typical microsoft logic it is something immutable.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
10-10-04 22:26
No 535241
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"To turn off Security Center alerts

1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Security Center.
3. In the Security Center, under Resources, click Change the way Security Center alerts me.
4. In the Alert Settings dialog box, clear the Firewall, Automatic Updates, or Virus Protection check boxes, and then click OK."

Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor. -Ovid
(Stoni's sexual toy)
10-11-04 00:00
No 535246
User Picture 
      > The pop-up blocker is a little ...     

> The pop-up blocker is a little irritating, but not bad overall.  I love how CNN
> has it's popups blocked.

Real browsers do not allow popups anyway. Only bad browsers brag about having blocked one of them.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-11-04 01:28
No 535264
User Picture 
      Excellent - thanks much Thallium! :-)     

Excellent - thanks much Thallium!smile

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
10-23-04 02:26
      win xp logges on to network be for you do for...
(Rated as: incomprehensible)
10-25-04 11:16
No 537662
      I actually can't update to Service Pack 2.     

I actually can't update to Service Pack 2. For the most part I use linux since I've become accustomed to it. My university uses unix/linux for pretty much all fields of science, guess they think us bachelor of science majors are smart enough to figure it out, hehe. Anyway, when it comes to Windows I tend to feel a bit restricted and lost. Whenever I try and update to SP2 it says it needs a file from a disc. It doesn't tell me what the file is or what disc it's on though which drives me crazy. I've inserted the WinXP disc and a few of my driver discs to no avail. So now I have Windows Update constantly telling me I have an update ready to install but I can't install SP2. Anyone else have this problem or have a fix for it?

10-25-04 17:45
No 537728
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i think you have auto update enabled.
maybe you already have sp2 on your pc ?
(Start->config panel-> system)
otherwise browse to the windows update site:
hXXp:// (<-- doesn't play well with other browsers, preferred is IE)

note that MS blocks some serials to prevent illegal versions to be updated to sp2.
(Hive Martyr)
10-30-04 03:47
No 538674
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Real browsers do not allow popups anyway. Only bad browsers brag about having blocked one of them

So what browser are you using then big shot?
(Stoni's sexual toy)
10-30-04 04:08
No 538679
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      Dunno, but I will ask Osium the next time I...     

Dunno, but I will ask Osium the next time I meet him.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!

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