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All 4 posts   Subject: Chem Software Index   Please login to post   Down

(Wizard Master)
10-28-04 15:12
No 538330
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      Chem Software Index     

Chem Software Index: Free & Shareware.
10-31-04 04:47
No 538866
      Very Nice Wiz,,,     

Glassy Chemistry seems very cool. cool

Gee Wiz, Thanks for sharing this..A LOT. smile

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
-Howard Zinn

(Wizard Master)
10-31-04 06:04
No 538871
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      YOUR WELCOMED!     

10-31-04 19:14
No 538944
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      Where the hell.. the glassy chemistry demo download or isn't there one?

Thanks...lots of useful stuff's turtles all the way down!

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