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All 2 posts   Subject: Meth. quality? West Coast   Please login to post   Down

09-15-04 22:11
No 531502
      Meth. quality? West Coast     

Very long stretch but, does any one have coments on quality and impurities of meth. comeing out of CA region.  Swims up north a ways and has a friend that is traveling.  Just looking for info.  Thanks
(Hive Bee)
09-17-04 07:30
No 531750
User Picture 
      Mexican shit . . .     

is about all youre going to find in most of Cali (unless you find one of the cooks LE has not gaffed up yet)
LE has given the meth trade to the mexican cartels and resultant crap full of MSM is all over the west coast)mad

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