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All 7 posts   Subject: Quickest filtration   Please login to post   Down

09-22-04 01:03
No 532600
      Quickest filtration     

Purchase a $10 Whisper fish pump filter,dump out the carbon from the supplied filter and pack with poly-fill.Put the pump in a sutable cotainer...dump huge amounts of pseudos. in there and add D-H2O.Plug up and place in freg. after 2hrs. replace filter and add poly-fill.Run 2 more hrs.This will be the purest shit you've ever evap. some of the D-H2O and A/B.Gravity filtration more drip-drip wait&wait some more!!!!!!
(Of Counsel)
09-22-04 19:18
No 532731

Quick? What is the obsession with quick?

Quick is not synonymous with clean, with pure, with anything... its just "quick."

Patience pays. Period. Most things that take a little time to do are worth the time it takes to do them. And if you seriously think that you can dissolve todays OTC pseudo products with dH2O and remove the gakks with a polyfill acquarium filter, you are in for a nasty surprise. You may not have this surprise until after the reaction. But you will have that surprise.

Sorry, but it isn't that easy, and water isn't going to cut it today. Acquarium filters or not. Quick in this case also means dirty, not clean.

If you haven't discovered the fact yet, you need to know that a good many of the binders and gakks that come with pseudo are very water soluble and dry to a nice, crunchy white powder. It has pseudo in it. It isn't all pseudo. And you do not want what isn't pseudo in your reaction.

I assure you that if pill extraction was that simple, and that easy, you would not have been the first to have discovered it. Think about it.

mostly harmless
09-22-04 19:51
No 532732

Don't the new polymers somehow wrap themselves around the pseudo molecules like a shell of sorts and having the same solubilities just tag along wherever Mr. E tends to go, unless broken down, kinda like breaking the shell?

Tina Craig worked for me!!
09-24-04 00:08
No 532920

The pump meathod followed by an A/B extraction is the fastest,cleanest,&effeicent meathod i've found yet.The A/B extraction is so beatiful after 4hrs.No emulsions between'll enjoy the mirror lake view too!If you don't enjoy gov't added binders maybe you should fake an allergy.Doctors don't mind written r/x for allegera-D's.You love what the (tan) side can do for you!!!!!!
(Of Counsel)
09-25-04 04:27
No 533072
      Those Allegra D's===     

Those Allegra D's are pretty dirty, and pretty expensive. I recall the doing multiple solvent boils until the solvent remained clear. The container the solvent cooled in grew wax on the sides in very square geometric shapes. Very thick, as well. The waxes, as I recall, were not very water soluble. I based the pill mass using sodium carbonate and mobilized the base with acetone and IPA alcohol. I extracted the freebase pseudo into hot naptha by the straight to bee method, chillingthe naptha to precipitate the freebase crystals. These reacted very well.

The practical problem with these pills is acquiring them in quantity.

mostly harmless
09-25-04 15:35
No 533133

D-H2O doesn't seem to attack the wax at all.Fine powdering and soaking gives only slight soulubility.this is what works.Place powder in beaker add small amount of D-H2O and boil in microwove.Pour through a couple filters and evap.Re-boil the wax in the filtr paper a few more times,filter and evap.In my past with these pills you'll get back the most the first evap.Pharma-pseudo is the shit!!!They are really not that hard to come by...they are everywhere.Most people don't know there worth.RnX most times 120 or 90 a bottle,so 120-120's=14 grams and yes you'll get most of it back following the steps in the latter.
(Of Counsel)
09-25-04 19:37
No 533155
      more allegara D     

The fact that the water filtration removes the water insoluble gakks suggests the pills do not use the newer foilants. As they are still rX pills, they may be fairly clean except for the wax...

mostly harmless

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