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All 5 posts   Subject: ENOUGH!   Please login to post   Down

11-02-04 23:09
No 539278

Everibeedy is mispellingg stuuf!

(When are you guys gonna fix the spellchecker?)

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(Über-Führer die Ironie)
11-03-04 00:12
No 539281

get a pirated(P) copy of m$ word and type your text there, then copy paste and post..
11-03-04 00:19
No 539284
User Picture 
      It has been fixed :-)     

It has been fixed smile
(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 20:41
No 541076
      i suck     

My grammer is very, very, very bad. I know how to speak intellegently but spelling just never sticks, ever. The spell checker you guys have is useless to me because every time I use it it always suggests the wrong thing, usually somthing technical then fixing a regular word.
11-11-04 23:22
No 541112
      No need to apologize     

My spelling sucks too.  That's why I use a

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