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All 17 posts   Subject: smoking cigarretts and bashing capt. kangaroo   Please login to post   Thread expires   Down

(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 11:05
No 539836
      smoking cigarretts and bashing capt. kangaroo     

i recenrtly became curious about the nicotine content of tobacco.
what i found shocked me, only ~1% of tobacco is nicotine, which leads me to the question why do we smoke this crude natural product, of which ~99% consists of meaningless carcinogens to block O2 absorbtion into your lungs?

some "free base" cigarretts and nictoine inhalers are sold as aids to stop smoking but are never marketed as an "energized breath spray" to bring to the bar and help pick up women etc.

so why is this mild stimulant which if taken in a different form would be roughly as harmeful as caffiene still only popularly consumed in its most harmfull form?

plus why are tobacco companies chastized for trying to devolope higher nicotine content to tabaccos, isn't this really just a form of harm reduction.
(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 13:57
No 539852
      good questions     

there's alot of money to bee made dealing nicotine to non-smokers.
i'm surprised that there isn't some sort of white powder (legal) to snort at work that has some nicotine and caffine and maybee some vitamins.
(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 18:21
No 539871
      Nicotine = Extremely poisonous     

plus why are tobacco companies chastized for trying to devolope higher nicotine content to tabaccos, isn't this really just a form of harm reduction.

Well, not necessarily if you consider the fact that nicotine is an extremely potent neurotoxin and is fully capable of killing you in surprisingly small doses. It's fast acting too.

I seem to recall reading once that every year a few people die here and there from smoking cigarettes which for whatever reason have an abnormally high amount of nicotine in them.. Can't remember where though.

But anyway, yeah, nicotine sucks anyway. Gotta be the shittiest drug there is.


(Rat Bastard)
11-06-04 02:19
No 539951
User Picture 
      Nicotine is used as a very effective ...     

Nicotine is used as a very effective insecticide. Not at all harmless.

Mister RatBastard I Am.
(Minister of Propaganda)
11-06-04 03:32
No 539967
User Picture 
      no good     

I tried that for 3 hours once. Do you know how hard it is to get a bug to smoke a Marlboro?

Milk rots your brain.
(Comandante A)
11-07-04 04:24
No 540126
User Picture 
      Nicotine Dosage: extract from 100g tabacco?     

Dosage:  extract from 100g tabacco? 40-60 mg pure.

Time:    Several hours, coma may set in much earlier. Much quicker if taken in large doses.

Available: Easily available

Certainty: Fairly certain, given a large enough dose.


"Soak 100 grammes of tabacco for a few days. You get a brown mess. Strain off the tabacco, then simmer slowly until most of the liquid has gone, leaving about 2 teaspoons of brown treacle-like stuff. Add it to your night-time drink, and never wake up. Someone said the other day that 150mg of pure nicotine would be fatal in seconds.

The effects include violent convulsions and that direct cause of death is respiratory failure. Smokers should use larger doses than non-smokers.

(Hive Bee)
11-07-04 04:55
No 540128
User Picture 
      sounds familar...     

i think i have that recipe in an improvised munitions and guerila warfare tactics handbook somewhere. its used as a poision; contact w/skin is fatal in concentrations like the above fore-said recipe would bee. notice that the dosage on a camel:turkish gold is 0.8mgs of nicotine per smoke. dosages as low as 40mgs are deadly, muchless 150mgs... according to the merck index in rats:
.3 mg/kg i.m. (intramuscularly- injected into a muscle like a typical vaccination)
9.5 mg/kg i.p. (intraperitoneal- injected into the abdomenal cavity)
230 mg/kg orally

notice the difference between oral ingestion and IM.

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Bee)
11-10-04 10:54
No 540799
      death is a dying fad     

Once you are born you are set upon a journey that ultimately kills you. The ways of dying are by no means finite, however you only die once. Once is enough because death is a real complete process that never fails anyone or anything. If you are alive, I hate to say it but it's going to kill you. With or without cigarettes, you are not immortal. You spend all your time being healthy, eating right, low cholestrol etc. and get sucked into a tornado ya couldn't outrun...
Just be sure to say your prayers and wear clean undershorts. The rest will take care of itself. Betcha it KILLS you too!tongue

It doesn't matter. I'll probably get run over anyway...
11-10-04 19:59
No 540892
      Someone said the other day that 150mg of pure nico     

Someone said the other day that 150mg of pure nicotine would be fatal in seconds.

would 149mg kill you as well?

Q:what do eggs mixed with voda taset like? A: vodka mixed with eggs
(Minister of Propaganda)
11-10-04 20:00
No 540893
User Picture 
      Try it on yourself and get back to us with...     

Try it on yourself and get back to us with your findings.

Milk rots your brain.
(Balanced Ego)
11-10-04 20:06
No 540895

> Soak 100 grammes of tabacco for a few days. You get a brown mess.

yuck. if you're going to kill yourself, at least do it with style
and steam distill your nicotine.

(Minister of Propaganda)
11-10-04 20:12
No 540899
User Picture 
      If you're going to kill yourself, do it in a...     

If you're going to kill yourself, do it in a room filled with porno magazines and bunnies so they can at least print an interesting story about you in the paper.

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 16:09
No 541036
User Picture 
      go back and re-read....     

would 149mg kill you as well?

the merck puts ld 50 at between 40-60 mgs for a fatal dose... so yeah, 149mgs would waste your

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Addict)
11-11-04 21:41
No 541084
User Picture 
      Gallant done it up proper     

The Nob wrote...

  If you're going to kill yourself, do it in a room filled with porno magazines and bunnies so they can at least print an interesting story about you in the paper.

Here's a clipping from a suicide done proper from Post 526282 (ChemoSabe: "Gallant Found Dead", The Couch)

While in the bathroom, Gallant, surrounded by filth,  a rolled-up bloody five dollar bill in his nose and a shattered mirror on his lap, propped up by his erect penis.

“There were porno mags everywhere,” said a teary-eyed Goofus.  “He was such a model citizen.  I don't know what went wrong.”

can't flush this
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 00:06
No 541119
      why porn w/ bunnies?     

if i was going to kill myself in a room full of bunnies, i doubt that i'd bee concerned enough about their droppings on my rugs, to cover the floor with porno magazines.
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 05:47
No 541165
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      once again...     

buz flattens me with his keen sense of witt and humor. keep 'em comin' buz! you make spray kool-aid (milk sucks) out my nose!laugh

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Bee)
11-14-04 08:08
No 541490
      im just saying id rather get my little ...     

im just saying id rather get my little nicotine bump in a neat office/airplane etc friendly breath spray then a stincky socially frowned upon cancer ridden cigarret or even worse "chewin tabaci".
although there does exist the posibilty that if i were to slip up and take approximatley 100 srays in rapid succsesion and not go into convulsions before i finished this i would wind up dead with bunny porn.

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