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All 9 posts   Subject: Mushroom Beer   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
11-07-04 00:57
No 540088
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      Mushroom Beer     

I did some searching on TFSE, and i can't seem to find anything on the subject of brewing beer with psilocin/psilocybin content.  This is something swim is interested in, and would really appreciate any input bees might have..

the first stage of brewing requires that you bring the contents to be brewed to a rolling boil.  this may or may not be a detriment to psilocybin content, depending on who you talk to.  i'm not exactly sure at what temperature it breaks down at; since water boils at 100C, and people make mushroom tea frequently and successfully it might not be such a problem.  however, if it is, then it may be possible to add the fungus at the second set of fermentation..

any ideas?  swim would greatly appreciate any suggestions you have..!

"The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it."
-Abbie Hoffman
(Hive Bee)
11-07-04 01:02
No 540089
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      What would be the purpose of making mushroom...     

What would be the purpose of making mushroom beer? If just for shits and giggles, why not try it if you have a lot and can afford to lose however much you're throwing into the project. If you've been shrooming a lot lately and have a lot of shrooms to get rid of and are just comming up with silly ways new ways to package your product you should try some other way. There are several inherent problems with selling shroom beer. No matter what your reason is, though, you would probably have to drink it very soon after you used it because it will probably break down over time in water. I know that 4-HO-DET definitely doesn't last in water so I really doubt psilocin would.



Better loving through chemistry.
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
11-08-04 02:40
No 540313
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      You'd bee better off grinding up the zoomers...     

You'd bee better off grinding up the zoomers and soaking in a bottle of your favourite spirits for a couple of days.  Filter, and drink according to the pre-determined effective dosage per 30 ml (i.e. 1 shot).  Don't know how long the psilocybin will last though.  I've read that psilocin is suspectable to enzymatic damage in aqueous solutions of ethanol (e.g. <100%).

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
11-08-04 05:56
No 540361
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      just for fun...     

swim and some buddies used to go get shrooms when the time was right. we found that the best way to save some of 'em was to freeze dry and store in honey. the mix would bee good for bout 4 to 6 months. make sure the caps are completely dry before you stick em in the honey or youll end up w/a big slimey mess. the honey will turn colors (florida shrooms turned it a purplish brown, aminitas turned it a light brown) but it wont change the honeys consistancy. just grind the shrooms up good before you add them to the honey.

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Bee)
11-09-04 08:14
No 540609
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      thanks for all your input..     

thanks for all your input.. i'll have to keep that in mind about the breakdown of psilocin in aqueous solutions of alcohol.. but how about the psilocybin?  i know it's a fairly hearty analogue in comarison.. swim is actually interested in brewing it in, but wonders especially about the heat resistance issues to boiling water..  any more input from moderators (i'm looking in your direction Rhodium)  wink

"The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it."
-Abbie Hoffman
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
11-10-04 07:57
No 540780
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      The extended boiling would almost certainly...     

The extended boiling would almost certainly destroy a large portion of the psilocybin.  You'd be better off making the beer and steeping the powdered zoomers in it after.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 11:05
No 541209
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      Losing potency     

In SWIX experience they seem to lose potency no matter what. Soaking in port, then re-bottling port works for few weeks or 2-3 months it seems, then seems to turn yuk. In honey does seem to preserve them well (as mentioned above) but it can make them disgusting to try and consume. Freezing seems pretty detrimental to psilosybin/psilocin. drying them out, crushing/grinding then capping worked ok and they stayed potent for a long period. But many caps were required (6-12 was dose) so not very practical.

All above data refers to 'gold tops' (species name unknown and don't care).

Happy trippin' cool


I love BUSH! The pussy, not the President!!
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 15:16
No 541242
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      All above data refers to 'gold tops' I ...     

All above data refers to 'gold tops'

I beelieve that would bee Psilocybe Cubensis, not to bee confused with Aminita Muscara... the red top w/
this is a link to an extraction on the Lycaeum
it might bee alittle more helpful than wasting them in beer...

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Bee)
11-13-04 02:33
No 541317
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swim knows a ton of people who freeze their goods.  doesn't seem to harm them either way.  does this view have scientific backing?

"The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it."
-Abbie Hoffman

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