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All posts   Subject: Record ecstasy haul in Australia   Please login to post  

11-14-04 16:00
No 541517
      Record ecstasy haul in Australia     

Record ecstasy haul in Australia
Sunday, November 14, 2004 Posted: 1456 GMT

SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) -- Australian police and customs officials have seized 820 kg (1,800 lb) of ecstasy tablets and powder stashed inside a bakery oven, in the country's biggest ever haul of the drug, police said on Sunday.

The ecstasy, known chemically as MDMA and valued at about A$200 million ($150 million), was packed into bags and hidden in the wall and base cavities of the oven, which was air freighted from Germany to Sydney last month.

A customs X-ray revealed suspicious packages and a physical inspection found 62 bags containing about 3 million tablets and 115 kg of powder.

Police said two people have been charged in connection with the shipment.

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty said he believed the shipment had probably come from Poland.

"Most of the MDMA we get in Australia is in fact sourced from Europe," Keelty told the Nine Network.

"In this particular case the air freight came directly from Germany to Australia but we believe the origins are in Poland."

Keelty said 1.5 tonnes of ecstasy had been intercepted by Australian authorities this year.

"Go west, young man." -Shulgin

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