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All 2 posts   Subject: FAQ, Tips & Tricks   Thread closed   Thread doesn't expire   Down

(Chief Bee)
05-07-02 13:29
No 305766
User Picture 
      FAQ, Tips & Tricks
(Rated as: excellent)

This sticky post will be edited from time to time with answers to the most common questions the staff gets from users, as well as general Tips and tricks to improve your Hive experience. Do not forget to read our permanent FAQ at

Q: What are the acronyms UTFSE and SWIM?

A: UTFSE is the mantra of the Hive, and said to anyone posting simple questions that has already been answered repeatedly in the past, and can easily be found by searching our comprehensive database, containing hundreds of thousands posts written during the last four years. UTFSE is short for "Use The Fucking Search Engine". A link to it is always visible at the top of your screen.

SWIM is short for "Someone Who Isn't Me", written to protect the integrity of members posting about performed procedures, as to not incriminate themselves. The actual value of this practice remains questionable. Some members also substitute the last M with their username initial, giving rise to  SWIR/SWIW/SWIT among other things.

Q: How do I post pictures? Can I upload pictures to the Hive?

A: The Hive does not provide free storage for pictures, you need to upload them to an ISP  or a webspace provider somewhere and link to them using the [img] tag as detailed in . Another way is to post them at as detailed in Post 304378 (Rhodium: " site as free storage for images", General Discourse).

Q: How large pictures can I use in my profile? How large pictures can I post?

A: The current size limits are 19.5 KB for profile images and 1.9 MB for [img] posting images.

Q: How do I search specifically for posts containing pictures?

A: Picture searching is very easy - all posts with pictures has the [img] tag somewhere in the message body, so if you include it in your search, TFSE will only return posts containing pictures.

Q: How do I post molecular images? How can I generate SMILES code? What formats can I use?

A: See Post 305167 (Rhodium: "Hive Molecular Structure Drawing Applet", General Discourse). In that thread you will also find links to the SMILES FAQ and programs capable of generating such code. For information about valid file formats, see Post 305273 (Lilienthal: "advanced features...", General Discourse).

Q: I want another username, can you change it for me?

A: No, usernames cannot be changed. To become known under a new name, you need to delete your current account and register a new name and start over from scratch.

Q: How do I post umlaut letters, like д, ц, ь, е etc?

A: See Post 325140 (Lilienthal: "ä ö ü", General Discourse).
07-29-02 02:44
No 338294
      Recent changes     

The main FAQ has been updated, time to read it again smile.

Recent changes to the board are:

The Xp link on the forum overview pages. Clicking it expands the threads on that page so that you can see all single posts in there. If you click it again it will return you to the collapsed view. Be warned, this function can result in very long pages. Clicking on the thread icons instead will expand one thread at the time only.
The expanded treads are now shown as a plain list of posts in their posting order, the irritating 'threaded' view has been removed.

Bookmarks can be downloaded in a tab-separated ASCII format, the (re-) import option will come soon. If you don't check a bookmark from the table it will download all of them (this also works for the PM download!).

Locked threads no longer have a clickable reply link.

Locked threads, downrated first posts, and thread-moved-messages now have new grey icons.

We also have a new set of pink icons laugh

All 2 posts   End of thread   Top
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