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All 16 posts   Subject: Now hear this   Thread closed   Thread expires   Down

06-30-02 23:54
No 327389
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      Now hear this     

I am sick of the "us versus them" mentality that seems to pervade many of the Couch threads of late. As some of you may or may not know or care, I opted out of any such political type discussions long ago as it was obvious to me that there are many here who are incapable of discussing such things in an objective manner. The discussions however, have been allowed to continue with the false hope that bees could actually grow up and cease attempting to stir up feelings of animosity amongst fellow bees be they from one country or another. Sadly, that hasn't happened. If anything it's gotten worse. So...

Stopping short of calling a complete moratorium on any and all political type discussions here, I warn you the following: The INSTANT I see that someone attempting to turn one of these type discussions into a mud-slinging, name-calling, us against them diatribe, it's as good as locked and the bee who is responsible will be temporarily or permanently banned from the Hive. That goes for ANYBEE, no matter who they are.

Hoping I've made myself crystal clear on this issue I remain,

Your loving couch moderator,

Si hoc legere scis numium eruditionis habes. – If you can read this, you’re overeducated.
(Title on BackOrder)
06-30-02 23:59
No 327391
User Picture 

Does this mean that whatever you decide is considered mudslinging in a thread will be locked and the poster banned?  What's the point of reading the couch then?

I think you're going to be very lopsided in the way you lock and ban people.  The person who makes the most posts of this nature per day is your loverboy, Osmium.  I don't see him leaving anytime soon.

Just an observation that I expect several other bees will soon post their opinion of as well, so there is no need in banning me over this just

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere
(Hive Bee)
07-01-02 00:00
No 327392
User Picture 
      Your loving couch moderator,     

that was lovely and to the point... wink

  ""if this shocks you then stick around"  
07-01-02 00:05
No 327394
User Picture 
      Eyes Wide Open Please     

Did I say this:

That goes for ANYBEE, no matter who they are.

I did.

BTW, I'm not asking for opinions as to this newfound policy I've come up with. I'm TELLING you how it is going to be.


Si hoc legere scis numium eruditionis habes. – If you can read this, you’re overeducated.
(Hive Addict)
07-01-02 00:06
No 327396
User Picture 
      pretty ballsy, G-joe...hope it works     


are we getting thin-skinned, or what?

the couch , by definition, is the place to get this stuff off our chests!
the fact that the couch is international makes it a fabulous testing ground for the art of getting along.

stoni, i can fathom your annoyance...but it seems to me that real progress was being made in the latest nasty political threads.

of course, i'm hopelessly romantic and farsighted.

but imagine the results of having no place to express; to vent our differences....

wouldn't that simply cause them to smolder and strengthen in their one-sisded perversity?
i can't believe that this is harmfull.

afterall, nobee has to respond to any posts that don't intrest them.

(love ya', stoni)
(Title on BackOrder)
07-01-02 00:09
No 327398
User Picture 
      OK then     

Just making sure you are going to put your money where your mouth is.  Considering the country I live in, my skin color, and my sex, I'm fairly used to unfair preferential treatment by now.frown

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere
(Hive Bee)
07-01-02 02:01
No 327443
User Picture 
      It's quality control...     

  Boards are like orbitals, they either go up in resonant energy or down...

  Having run some and been a participant in other boards, most places turn to shit because assholes dominate the conversations and Mods are to Nicey-Nice new age pussy whipped to kick them off or tell them to stfu ...then the community turns to shit and everyone leaves...

  This place is different...the mods crack the whip and I support tossing who ever doesn't make the grade... the alternative is a boring useless site...

  Political provocation pieces just suck the energy into negativity... doesn't improve Hive Mind and creates tension/contradiction... (favorite disruption technique of CIA/DIA agent provocateurs in Vietnam days to destroy a community)

   If we didn't have the acid heads here, the tweakers would just dribble on and on about boring shit... and no enlightenment would arise... If we didn't have the tweakers, the acid heads would just sit on their ass and contemplate their last experience, with no juice on the threads... the combo makes for a lively crew,  but DISCIPLINE is required... thank god there are moderators who will provide it...

Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA
(Title on BackOrder)
07-01-02 03:00
No 327458
User Picture 
      kiss ass all you want...     

but shutting down threads because someone doesn't agree with someone else's political view is going to make this place very uptight and boring.  I come to the couch for the sole purpose of debating religion and politics, and sometimes you have to grab somebody's attention to get your point across.  I don't care what you did last weekend, and I doubt anyone else here does either, but we are interested in what the rest of the world thinks about our political system and ethnic diversity.  Sugarcoat it all you want, but the world is not made up of burned out "let's just all get along" peacemakers.  There are real issues going on today that we all need input on.  What Stoni has proposed here is going to make world issues a very touchy topic to discuss from now on.

I know you will probably say something about going to another board to discuss political issues.  There is a serious problem with that solution though; other boards don't have a majority of drug users and synthers as members.  We all have a common bond here, and we need to be able to talk with other cooks openly about their views on situations that arise.  Sugarcoating our feelings on things isn't going to help matters at all.

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere
(Hive Bee)
07-01-02 03:10
No 327462
User Picture 
      Politics, sex, fun stuff and other B.S.     

Politics, sex, fun stuff and other B.S.

I guess it's time to remove politics from the forum description since we can't discuss it anymore
(Hot Latin Lover)
07-01-02 03:13
No 327464
User Picture 
      I don't think     

that is the problem.  The problem lies in the fact that most can't discuss such issues without name calling.  If some of us, me included, could learn to discuss these things without name calling then it should not bee an issue! KM

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis ad capul tuum saxum immane mittam.
(Hive Bee)
07-01-02 03:16
No 327467
User Picture 
      If I have to walk on glass in fear of being ...     

If I have to walk on glass in fear of being banned I'll just keep my mouth shut on the subject
07-01-02 03:19
No 327468
User Picture 
      Listen up     

Hammer: Can you read? I have to wonder because I never said politics cannot be discussed here. In fact I went out of my way to indicate the opposite. If you wanna pout and mope around then do it without attempting to turn my post into something it wasn't.

Si hoc legere scis numium eruditionis habes. – If you can read this, you’re overeducated.
(Title on BackOrder)
07-01-02 03:20
No 327469
User Picture 
      if some of us...     

If some of us would lay off the MDMA and 2-CB for a while, they wouldn't be so emotionally sensitive to name calling.  I don't remember ever truly being offended by what someone calling me names on this board.  I have, however, been deeply offended by a certain moderator telling bold face lies about the future of alternative energy without fear of reprimand.

All paths are the same: they lead nowhere
(Distinctive Doe)
07-01-02 03:32
No 327477
User Picture 
      Very nice decree lord Cesear, uheem Queen Stoni..     

Very nice decree lord Cesear, uheem Queen Stoni..
Bowing to the queen.

Hopefully its applied evenly, doubtful...
Not that I care, had enough of them discussions too.


Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
07-01-02 03:37
No 327480
User Picture 
      its all the american pups     

stirring up shit round here, although i'll admit lizard is learning some manners lately, but that mandingo yahoo, well, he's right out there, did you see him in the "Another War Mitsake Thread, trying to incite ill will towards Canadians. he would make a great sacraficial lamb if you ask me.

waaaaaa sah! nomo mandingo daddyocool

i know it was sinus who started the thread, but i really don't think he did it with any real malice, i would cut him some slack he seems ok, he apologized when mandingo got out of line.

chop chop

we could make it like survivor, and every evening the shit disturbingest bee gets voted off, or summarrily executed , depending on the on duty mods mood, we would have to weight the voting of course, to compensate for the overwhelming american majority.
07-01-02 03:43
No 327486
User Picture 
      Discussion Over     

Now I'll do what I should've done to begin with and that is to close this discussion off to further comments.

What I said stands. If you don't believe it, then just try me.


Si hoc legere scis numium eruditionis habes. – If you can read this, you’re overeducated.

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