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All 4 posts   Subject: Couple o quick birch Qs   Please login to post   Down

11-10-04 13:57
      Couple o quick birch Qs
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
(Ancient Alchemist Delux)
11-10-04 14:11
No 540824

2 moles of Na will reduce 1 mole of pseudo freebase all of which you could find using TFSE. Do a little research before you ask questions that have been answered 1000 times before, it pisses everyone off and its plane disrespectful wanting some bees hard work spoon fead to ya.. So show a little effort at least.. This is as good as it will ever get. Consider yourself pulled up gently..

Tighten Up!  (UH)
(Hive Bee)
11-10-04 15:31
No 540837
User Picture 
      Birch Info     

Re Post 537908 (maj: "Re", Stimulants)   Stimulants   maj   10-26-04 09:23
  MAJ-  Thread: Lithium/Anhydrous/Sudafed ...Li(NH3)n + e-(NH3)m Post 537633 (reeB_relliM: "Lithium/Anhydrous/Sudafed  ...Li(NH3)n + e-(NH3)m", Stimulants)

I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.
11-14-04 10:52
No 541502
      maj- (lol!) love that avatar!!     

maj- (lol!) love that avatar!!

Just because the voices have stopped, does not mean that they are gone! (lol!)

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