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  No new posts   lazy mans qiestion   psytech   Thread moved to Newbee Forum  
  No new posts   Benzyl chloride from Toluene/trichloroisocyanuric   acx01b   1477   10   11-06-04 04:10  
  No new posts   % ?   psytech   Thread moved to Newbee Forum  
  No new posts   IR-spectra of TMA-2 *HCl   Grignard   585   1   11-04-04 17:44  
  No new posts   Making Na   acx01b   1295   12   11-04-04 10:58  
  No new posts   Concentration vs. Density of Common Reagents   Rhodium   646   1   11-03-04 14:32  
  No new posts   Formic acid + Hydrogen peroxide= heat ?   chemrat   933   5   11-03-04 14:30  
  No new posts   MDMA via Tosyl Chloride Intermediate?   Ollie-RSM   2276   29   11-03-04 11:26  
  No new posts   Creating A Grignard Differently..   Bwiti   1232   9   11-03-04 04:46  
  No new posts   Bromoethane synthesis   lastchance   1322   13   11-03-04 01:15  
  No new posts   Cyclobutanone -> GBL idea.   Novice   551   2   11-01-04 18:26  
  No new posts   Acids to amides in one step with boric acid   Nicodem   797   6   11-01-04 05:34  
  Locked   Uh oh!! Need some help, please......   reeB_relliM   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   quantum level question   superman   1187   13   10-29-04 12:24  
  No new posts   preparation of pyridine   psyloxy   1419   17   10-29-04 00:51  
  No new posts   drying ether   acx01b   842   8   10-28-04 11:37  
  No new posts   electrolysis of 30% H2SO4   acx01b   597   2   10-28-04 05:54  
  No new posts   help w/ 2cb crystalization   celariom   715   4   10-28-04 05:48  
  No new posts   OTC chloroform from ??????????   bangsnatch   764   4   10-28-04 02:09  
  No new posts   Base-catalyzed polymerization of P2P   Rhodium   2536   21   10-28-04 00:00  

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