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Forum info  Tryptamine Chemistry  Ordered by date   Previous page  All recent  Please login to post  Next page

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  No new posts   Lysergic Acid From Ergot Alkaloids   Bubbleplate   853   6   10-06-04 11:30  
  No new posts   Tartaric Acid Confusion   Bubbleplate   1036   4   09-30-04 21:50  
  No new posts   dmt from tryptamine   pink_dust_angel   1327   1   09-28-04 21:51  
  No new posts   Psilocybin Production   adroit_synth   5336   48   09-28-04 21:42  
  No new posts   The preparation of AET   starlight   2025   13   09-26-04 07:24  
  No new posts   ebook: Tihkal   memeep   834   2   09-24-04 02:51  
  No new posts   AET microwave synhtesis   onlynikud   1302   11   09-23-04 12:28  
  No new posts   Fisher Tryptamine Synthesis - is this right?   Rhodium   4628   26   09-22-04 14:27  
  No new posts   Tryptamines by direct alkylation of indoles?   Lego   824   4   09-21-04 21:06  
  No new posts   Suggested 2 step reaction to AMT   Rhenium   1368   5   09-21-04 01:54  
  No new posts   E-Book: Indoles by Soundberg   java   552   1   09-20-04 16:38  
  No new posts   Hemetsberger-Knittel: Benzaldehydes to Indoles   Lego   1019   2   09-18-04 10:23  
  No new posts   Large review article on the synthesis of Indoles   Rhodium   1277   5   09-16-04 19:33  
  No new posts   Emetic Activity of Reduced Lysergamides   java   921   2   09-14-04 06:54  
  No new posts   CDI Method for LSD - Epimerization Required?   Bubbleplate   765   4   09-13-04 15:07  
  No new posts   Brown acid anyone?   violethorn   Thread moved to General Discourse  
  No new posts   Optimum drying temperature for LSA?   luminescent   1402   22   09-04-04 02:29  
  No new posts   DMT-HCl water solubility?   dissolved   528   2   09-02-04 22:50  
  No new posts   Analgesic Indole alkaloids.....   java   531   1   08-23-04 04:32  
  No new posts   Process for Isolation of Indole Alkaloids   Bubbleplate   1228   5   08-22-04 17:11  

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