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  No new posts   Legal RP and I2   Dragan   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   Quickest filtration   levo   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   Soldering Fume Extraction Unit for home lab?   jesus_verga   583   6   09-20-04 12:35  
  No new posts   cinnamonium amalgahyde   jboogie   499   4   09-17-04 17:34  
  No new posts   Oh u know we had to ask it   SilverSurfer   956   4   09-17-04 01:27  
  No new posts   Methanol Technical; Clean or Not   B_F   542   5   09-16-04 13:39  
  Locked   Loads of Annie... Can't Get Any :(   Drug_Phreak   678   7   09-15-04 14:18  
  No new posts   Computer Controlled Hot Plate.   amine   443   3   09-13-04 11:08  
  No new posts   Have i found gold? Assesing a chemical supplier...   Quality   1824   12   09-13-04 10:01  
  No new posts   RotoVap   bbeeasheets   970   8   09-11-04 17:31  
  Locked   dreaming about Red P,Iodine and E in Canada   Crusader651   951   7   09-11-04 00:08  
  Locked   how many ozbee's have ordered online?   Martian_A   581   1   09-10-04 02:29  
  No new posts   Oz Shellite   Martian_A   495   5   09-09-04 06:40  
  No new posts   SWIM's idea for a stealth NH3 generator.   18294   537   3   09-09-04 00:22  
  No new posts   Online Pharmacies selling Iodine (Resublimed) ?   Martian_A   587   3   09-07-04 23:32  
  No new posts   PLEASE CAN ANY ONE HELP???   bunnyindrag   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   apparatus for making dry ice   Natrix   820   5   09-04-04 19:18  
  No new posts   Fridge Compressor as vacuum source   backindauk   1180   11   09-04-04 11:32  
  No new posts   sassafras oil   Grignard   1032   5   09-02-04 17:14  
  No new posts   GAA from > 75% acetic acid solutions   claude   434   3   09-02-04 11:01  

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