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  No new posts   Aluminium iodide in ether cleavage   GC_MS   1741   8   07-12-04 18:07  
  No new posts   easy THF oxidation using KMnO4   armageddon   999   10   07-11-04 00:18  
  No new posts   determined   amalgum   954   10   07-10-04 16:39  
  No new posts   MeI from Tincture   methymouse   735   1   07-10-04 07:11  
  No new posts   extraction of red hots   thugzlife   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   4-Fluoroamphetamine: A full report.   SpicyBrown   2683   22   07-09-04 07:39  
  No new posts   Big Breakthrough for Benzo Bees   Bond_DoubleBond   2785   21   07-06-04 13:25  
  No new posts   preparation of sodium p-toluenesulfonate   chilly_willy   795   1   07-06-04 07:45  
  No new posts   Freezing sassafras--review   ephemeral   1129   13   07-03-04 18:36  
  No new posts   High-yielding nitropropenes with n-butylamine.   SpicyBrown   884   13   07-03-04 15:39  
  No new posts   Piperonal -> MDP2P -> MDA Synth, anno 1943   Rhodium   1378   2   07-03-04 15:26  
  No new posts   MM Nitro run gone wrong   TheBlindGenius   Thread moved to Newbee Forum  
  No new posts   DMSO autoxidation   pablos   481   3   06-30-04 17:21  
  No new posts   l-Dromoran (17-methylmorphinan-3-ol)   HumbleStudent   1085   29   06-28-04 18:00  
  No new posts   Norpseudoephedrine synthesis & optical resolution   Rhodium   2411   18   06-27-04 10:43  
  No new posts   Benzyl Chloride from Toluene   Methlaab   664   2   06-24-04 11:21  
  No new posts   mdp-2-nitropropene -> mdp-2-propanone   phenethyl_man   492   2   06-23-04 12:33  
  No new posts   methylammonium formate leuckart - help needed   armageddon   718   2   06-23-04 09:04  
  No new posts   Eleusis's safrole isomerization   chemrat   1452   18   06-22-04 09:55  
  No new posts   3,4,5-TMB from p-Cresol   slothrop   849   3   06-21-04 12:22  

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