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  No new posts   srv pix   darius   868   6   08-12-04 18:46  
  No new posts   different routes starting from nitropropenes   armageddon   1733   41   08-12-04 02:59  
  No new posts   A small exchange of experiences with FesterFormula   Methlaab   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   serious performic problems...shit   b00ked   816   12   08-09-04 02:18  
  No new posts   vacuum pumps   eddy   1303   16   08-05-04 00:16  
  No new posts   PTC for safrole / HCl(aq) reaction   claude   1459   19   08-03-04 13:29  
  No new posts   Corrections to Cheapskates chloroform writeup   Chromic   2040   31   08-02-04 00:58  
  No new posts   low i2 yield?   SPINNERBAIT   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   PCP Patents, a compendium   Cyrax   2639   21   07-29-04 15:16  
  No new posts   Chlorine instead of Br in Ketamine and PPA Synths   wolff_kishner   611   3   07-24-04 04:04  
  No new posts   separation methods   Kefka   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   Using pyridine to hydroxylate the 5-br vanillin   lutesium   445   4   07-22-04 23:26  
  No new posts   Extraction of safrole from sassafras oil   claude   Thread moved to Chemicals & Equipment  
  No new posts   future of safrole   homeslice   6899   86   07-22-04 01:44  
  No new posts   Mg(MeO)2 route to benzaldehydes   lutesium   895   5   07-21-04 00:50  
  No new posts   Nitroethane via Et3N or what???   lutesium   Thread moved to Newbee Forum  
  No new posts   MeI preperation w/ Al+KI+H2SO4+MeOH+H20   lutesium   449   1   07-19-04 21:22  
  No new posts   MDMA synthese   icexool   Thread moved to Newbee Forum  
  No new posts   p-benzo wacker   Snakebyte   651   2   07-14-04 21:57  
  No new posts   1st experience w/ Hydratropic Aldehyde -> P2P   xspikehead   2123   27   07-14-04 08:14  

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