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Forum info  Serious Chemistry  Ordered by date   Previous page  All recent  Please login to post  Next page

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  No new posts   tryptamine IR/UV spectra   indole_amine   1021   2   09-17-04 17:32  
  No new posts   5-HT2a agonists with N-2-methoxybenzyl structure   Lego   742   1   09-12-04 10:39  
  No new posts   Nichols: Novel Naphtofuran 5-HT2A ligands   Rhodium   4278   32   09-11-04 19:17  
  No new posts   Advances in Morphine Synthesis and Biosynthesis   yinga   1323   2   09-09-04 14:44  
  No new posts   First published direct reduction of COOH to CH3   Rhodium   3445   23   09-05-04 21:42  
  No new posts   Isotopic changes during drug synthesis   Rhodium   1175   3   09-02-04 21:13  
  No new posts   New Amph. more potent than LSD   hest   12130   60   08-25-04 21:29  
  No new posts   Essential Opioids   thallium   1248   3   08-20-04 02:03  
  No new posts   Re: Organic Reference Works on CD   longimanus   1327   6   08-10-04 07:17  
  No new posts   extracting pure liquid lidocaine from gel   zolpidemfan   Thread moved to Chemicals & Equipment  
  No new posts   Future amphetamines and a little Purple Jewl   Vibrating_Lights   3136   15   07-31-04 23:31  
  No new posts   Anise oil as PMA precursor   Jackhammer   4060   27   07-14-04 02:14  
  No new posts   Ring opening of aziridine with PhMgX   Rhodium   1585   16   07-12-04 07:54  
  No new posts   automating production: the use of home-made monochromatic spectrophotometers? -drone   dormouse   4444   50   07-04-04 21:12  
  No new posts   Synthesis of 4-Fluoroamphetamine   Rhodium   5768   44   06-29-04 20:50  
  No new posts   heterocyclic amphetamine analogs -Beagle   dormouse   1514   8   06-17-04 13:00  
  No new posts   microfluidic hydrogenation   metanoid   658   3   06-04-04 17:51  
  Locked   Phed -> MDMA ?   Frequency010011   918   2   05-18-04 19:44  
  No new posts   The Tabletop NMR - An Object of Desire   Rhodium   1604   15   05-12-04 08:32  
  No new posts   Homebrewing the 2-phenyl-nitroethanes   Nicodem   749   1   05-11-04 07:45  

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