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  No new posts   Scheduling of 2C-T-7   OrganicChemGuy   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   tryptamine   mysterious   Thread moved to Tryptamine Chemistry  
  No new posts   Drunk bees and alcoholism   Jade   464   7   10-26-04 03:23  
  No new posts   Wording of the CSA   OrganicChemGuy   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   The classical (e)books on the hallucinogens   Nicodem   1148   7   10-25-04 22:44  
  No new posts   looking for something   wimpy   399   3   10-25-04 21:52  
  No new posts   dimethyltryptamine: its effects and after effects   Little_fat_boy   459   4   10-25-04 20:11  
  No new posts   Jump high like a frog with ‘sapo’   Nicodem   860   5   10-25-04 19:13  
  No new posts   Digest: Richard A. Glennon: literature collection   Lego   1296   1   10-25-04 15:00  
  No new posts   The Price of Smoking   Stonium   657   11   10-25-04 05:09  
  No new posts   DEA Microgram Bulletins Delayed - Why?   jackhole   622   9   10-25-04 02:39  
  No new posts   Research Chemical industry decimated!   merbst   5476   55   10-23-04 02:22  
  No new posts   UTFSE and How to Stash Shit   cyma22002   Thread moved to The Couch  
  No new posts   Basic pharmacology lessons and/or reference works   Empaligon   362   1   10-22-04 16:18  
  No new posts   PCP can protect the brain...   Xaja   792   5   10-21-04 20:52  
  No new posts   DE Nichols: Amphetamine Designer Drugs   Rhodium   776   2   10-21-04 15:05  
  No new posts   The War on Drugs, Terence McKenna-style...   Jade   464   1   10-18-04 13:45  
  No new posts   MediaWiki development   wareami   314   2   10-17-04 20:13  
  No new posts   Drugs Are Inanimate Objects   Jade   484   3   10-17-04 14:27  
  No new posts   A 2002 Review of Ecstasy Deaths in New York City   psychokitty   462   2   10-17-04 13:07  

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