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  No new posts   Cleaning car nitrous   blunts   501   2   10-16-04 21:49  
  No new posts   Interesting article on cocaine analogues pharm.   Bandil   1580   18   10-15-04 15:18  
  No new posts   Oral dose of dihydrocodeine   chemicalE   1206   16   10-15-04 11:36  
  No new posts   New GHB analogs, any thoughts?   Zha77   2546   19   10-14-04 23:46  
  No new posts   video of making...   cheesie   Thread moved to The Couch  
  No new posts   First time shooting up meth...   Jade   963   3   10-14-04 12:47  
  No new posts   Recent Psychedelic Pharmacology Research   Rhodium   663   2   10-13-04 20:55  
  No new posts   We need a standard PDF document posting protocol   psychokitty   490   6   10-13-04 13:48  
  No new posts   deleting threads   dumbjanitor   348   2   10-12-04 20:44  
  No new posts   Please Help Me Find Some References   OrganicChemGuy   376   2   10-12-04 06:12  
  No new posts   5,7dichlorokynurenic acid a potent nmda antagonist   er0x   506   5   10-10-04 11:27  
  No new posts   25% Pure Blue Product into 100% pure honey?   milt   529   2   10-08-04 23:38  
  No new posts   vein finder   Jade   613   1   10-08-04 15:28  
  No new posts   That time of the year/month, pickin & grinnin   cycosyince   484   2   10-08-04 08:39  
  No new posts   On the Analyst's Couch With Ecstasy   Stonium   620   2   10-08-04 03:43  
  No new posts   PMA fatality   abolt   753   2   10-07-04 11:29  
  No new posts   DEA website of information   Jade   818   6   10-07-04 06:45  
  No new posts   Counter effect the effects of meth   Ascension   1807   34   10-07-04 04:08  
  No new posts   PCP from trihexyphenidyl?   er0x   394   2   10-06-04 19:36  
  No new posts   Phenylpiperazines & Benzylpiperazines   penner   1230   9   10-06-04 04:07  

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