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  No new posts   DHC Continus time-release...   BlaseDeviant   779   9   11-03-04 01:16  
  No new posts   How hard are cannabinoids to lab synthesize...   BlaseDeviant   618   2   11-02-04 00:47  
  No new posts   Sulfur Analogs of 14-Hydroxydihydrocodeinone   KLt   798   2   11-01-04 23:33  
  No new posts   L.S.D. drawings   abolt   Thread moved to The Couch  
  No new posts   Bush's Meth Plan   abolt   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   red devil lye compared to draino crystals   WinterSkrach   Thread moved to Chemicals & Equipment  
  No new posts   NOS inhibition and ephedrine   longimanus   693   3   10-31-04 16:00  
  No new posts   German synthesis site : lambdasyn   embezzler   721   2   10-31-04 09:05  
  No new posts   Piracetam + Amphetamines...   BlaseDeviant   491   1   10-30-04 19:44  
  No new posts   psychoactives acetylation   skanic   649   15   10-30-04 10:56  
  No new posts   DXM question, why did it change (for me)?   Marcilla   806   10   10-30-04 09:51  
  No new posts   cocaine- the ghost in SWIM's brain   mysterious   788   13   10-30-04 01:28  
  No new posts   opium extraction?   Little_fat_boy   1050   9   10-30-04 00:06  
  No new posts   Selegiline (MAOB inhibiton) and Tryptamines   Psiloman   829   7   10-29-04 14:10  
  No new posts   must heroin lead to addiction?   aztec   4941   85   10-29-04 06:20  
  No new posts   New possibilties of Bee's neogations?   Methlaab   1934   27   10-29-04 05:53  
  No new posts   THC & Tropacocaine   Drug_Phreak   1052   4   10-27-04 20:24  
  No new posts   Ricaurte case mentioned in Toxicology vol 202   jsorex   436   3   10-27-04 03:02  
  No new posts   Cannabis, driving and oral fluid samples   jsorex   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   Fake opium going around? (not red rock)   blunts   832   11   10-26-04 19:35  

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