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  No new posts   Amphetamine as Diet-Aid   weedar   1023   23   08-20-04 01:07  
  No new posts   sf5 group on 4 position?   xxxxx   358   4   08-19-04 13:45  
  No new posts   Toxic products in the home   Jade   332   1   08-18-04 11:17  
  No new posts   One in 50 injects drugs, research finds   Stonium   331   1   08-18-04 06:24  
  No new posts   Pseudoaddicts vs. Pseudopatients   Jade   282   1   08-17-04 22:13  
  No new posts   BBC: Medicine - hope for psychedelics?   jsorex   303   1   08-16-04 12:57  
  No new posts   Washing ink out of......   hsark   449   11   08-16-04 11:20  
  No new posts   Scorpion Cocaine   Psychedelic   629   2   08-15-04 12:24  
  No new posts   Legal Drugs an alternative?   Psychedelic   672   5   08-15-04 00:26  
  No new posts   Ecstasy related deaths   zephler   1248   30   08-14-04 20:10  
  No new posts   Erowid-Don't Get High Without It   Stonium   1138   10   08-14-04 00:42  
  No new posts   Piracetam + SSRI possibly dangerous?   BlaseDeviant   403   4   08-13-04 20:27  
  No new posts   Studies Find Rats Can Get Hooked on Drugs   Unobtainium   315   3   08-13-04 16:53  
  No new posts   Shooting up: any advice   Jubrail   2184   66   08-13-04 13:24  
  No new posts   nicotine and demerol   xxxxx   287   2   08-13-04 00:19  
  No new posts   First Implant for Depression recommended ...   java   387   5   08-12-04 21:15  
  No new posts   Stay calm: Prozac's in the drinking water   Stonium   459   6   08-12-04 09:21  
  No new posts   Viagra   Gizmo23   1445   24   08-12-04 01:07  
  No new posts   Querry? RogueSci.Org?   warmage   471   3   08-11-04 19:53  
  No new posts   Scientific / biblio references for Marquis etc.   drplatypus   276   3   08-11-04 13:11  

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