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  No new posts   Teens, drugs and learning the science   7is   451   5   08-31-04 14:04  
  No new posts   From Agony to Ecstasy   KiZaDm   1201   34   08-31-04 01:07  
  No new posts   MDMA-Like Stimulus Effects of a-Ethyltryptamine...   thallium   479   2   08-30-04 21:13  
  No new posts   Meperidine (Demerol)   xbnmx   335   2   08-29-04 22:11  
  No new posts   Informal survey on MDMA prices.   biffman   1223   25   08-29-04 19:04  
  No new posts   advice wanted for a GREAT dxm trip   mcrandom   414   6   08-29-04 03:40  
  No new posts   563 online   starlight   446   5   08-26-04 23:57  
  No new posts   Novel Targets - 1. Kinases   scarmani   433   10   08-25-04 23:56  
  No new posts   Software of Chemicals   thugznation   Thread moved to The Couch  
  No new posts   Salvinorin A (journal article)   ChemisTris   1992   36   08-25-04 06:15  
  No new posts   Neuropsychopharmacology 29(7): 1270 2004 ...   Lilienthal   505   10   08-25-04 00:16  
  No new posts   Two dissertations on addiction mechanisms.   jsorex   275   1   08-24-04 18:15  
  No new posts   Drugs and Human Performance Fact Sheets   merbst   377   2   08-24-04 09:46  
  No new posts   Commercial Press Sub-Forum   chemicalE   534   8   08-23-04 17:56  
  No new posts   Is benzeneethanamine phenethylamine?   Kefka   435   7   08-22-04 21:55  
  No new posts   HELP, fentanyl patch withdrawl...   more4me   643   12   08-21-04 09:17  
  No new posts   Piracetam + PEAs   BlaseDeviant   298   1   08-21-04 03:38  
  No new posts   Acute and chronic effects of TRY and alcohol   meme   261   1   08-20-04 20:10  
  No new posts   Big list of interesting links, part three.   akdov   477   1   08-20-04 14:12  
  No new posts   DihydroMorphone..   Bwiti   321   1   08-20-04 08:33  

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