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  No new posts   Help a ditz with her Kava   Marcilla   644   11   09-06-04 02:03  
  No new posts   Watched or suspicious order?   Lestat   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   Help needed Journal of Pharmaceutical Science!   trade_om   315   5   09-05-04 23:05  
  No new posts   Chemopanic: Chemical Safety in a Vulnerable World   Rhodium   289   1   09-05-04 21:53  
  No new posts   The Semantics of Anxiety   Rhodium   489   5   09-05-04 21:52  
  No new posts   propofol   cattleprodder   440   8   09-05-04 19:26  
  No new posts   Reference Book for Radiopharmaceuticals 2004   Rhodium   295   1   09-03-04 17:25  
  No new posts   Moderators, why has this thread been locked?   psychokitty   438   5   09-03-04 05:08  
  No new posts   Your first bookmark on the Hive?   kisps   402   3   09-02-04 13:17  
  No new posts   5 Color Test Reagents for Drug Identifiation   embezzler   721   6   09-02-04 08:07  
  No new posts   MDMA deaths rise   dilaudid   1106   19   09-02-04 07:55  
  No new posts   Amphetamine usage and genital self-mutilation   Rhodium   1579   13   09-02-04 07:46  
  No new posts   Muscimol and Morphine Reverse Tolerance?   wimpy   293   1   09-01-04 18:23  
  No new posts   Can we mesure the pleasure?   FreGon   454   7   09-01-04 07:57  
  No new posts   Novel Cannabinoid Appears Promising for Treatme...   longimanus   463   6   09-01-04 06:10  
  No new posts   THC in pee pee   MDMA_AcTIvEsTS   390   4   09-01-04 04:28  
  No new posts   Coke content in Vin Mariani, Original Coca Cola   TomEE   590   14   09-01-04 03:44  
  No new posts   2c's and health   Eduard   1537   24   08-31-04 15:28  
  No new posts   smoking benzos   skanic   612   14   08-31-04 15:05  
  No new posts   AWOL: Alcohol With Out Liquid   homeslice   648   10   08-31-04 14:58  

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