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  No new posts   Gabatropin...   BlaseDeviant   1054   11   10-06-04 00:20  
  No new posts   Heterocodeine   camxyl   575   3   10-05-04 23:13  
  No new posts   dr. Shulgin in Playboy magazine (not nude)   Vitus_Verdegast   1944   17   10-04-04 22:55  
  No new posts   Terminal residual substance of pleasant sensation   Rhodium   576   3   10-04-04 12:54  
  No new posts   Narcotics as stimulants   Pethidine   712   10   10-03-04 07:03  
  No new posts   Pharmacokinetics of hydrocodone...   BlaseDeviant   459   4   10-02-04 22:45  
  No new posts   Bewitched, bedevilled, possessed, addicted.   Stonium   443   1   10-02-04 17:43  
  No new posts   Benzo's protective with DXM...   Pethidine   338   1   10-01-04 05:33  
  No new posts   THC solvent   LoW_JacK   1587   35   09-29-04 11:37  
  No new posts   does methamphetamine loss potency and volume?   cirus   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   Mind Fuck Hi Swarm   ayejay   Thread moved to The Couch  
  No new posts   Opium Poppy Lacking Morphine   scarmani   706   8   09-26-04 16:10  
  No new posts   Excretory Profile of 2C-B in Rat   Hermes_br   647   1   09-23-04 15:48  
  No new posts   New Wave of Colombia Drug Kingpins Emerges   Stonium   685   2   09-23-04 03:54  
  No new posts   DXM, and other things   Pethidine   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   Got Cut?   Drug_Phreak   797   7   09-23-04 01:28  
  No new posts   Teratogenic Effects of Drugs: A Resource   aztec   836   5   09-22-04 08:00  
  No new posts   We Be High   Jade   964   3   09-22-04 03:07  
  No new posts   who found the substance PIMOZID?   mysterious   731   3   09-21-04 21:39  
  No new posts   MEK GHB/GBL   wimpy   703   3   09-21-04 19:47  

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