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  No new posts   inprovements of SRV/KRV?   MakoEyes   885   1   11-12-04 06:16  
  No new posts   Checking solubility of salts   PharmBoy   883   2   11-11-04 16:13  
  No new posts   Ketone color change   killerbeezzz   799   3   11-10-04 20:32  
  No new posts   C6H5-OH + H2S2O8   acx01b   665   3   11-10-04 18:11  
  No new posts   Question on Oxone/NaBr bromination   wolfx   666   2   11-09-04 12:53  
  No new posts   DXM Extraction Q's   PharmBoy   1197   12   11-09-04 00:38  
  No new posts   Xylene vs DCM for MDP2P   DiMethyl   1174   7   11-08-04 12:23  
  No new posts   Urushibara Confusion   Drug_Phreak   1023   4   11-07-04 17:19  
  No new posts   electro. prep of Mn(V)So4?   n00dle   900   5   11-07-04 15:20  
  No new posts   Re: Propiophenone OTC Route   grellobanans   816   4   11-07-04 01:37  
  No new posts   Help me Indentify this metal   Junglist0   749   6   11-06-04 23:36  
  No new posts   MeOH from race fluel   pablos   888   13   11-06-04 21:17  
  No new posts   Leuckart reaction   gandalf   1284   9   11-06-04 17:24  
  No new posts   lazy mans qiestion   psytech   1037   4   11-06-04 08:34  
  No new posts   Salt Weights   PharmBoy   522   4   11-06-04 03:52  
  No new posts   #128 Methyl-J MBDB   tryin   1183   15   11-06-04 03:08  
  No new posts   another stupid fucking question about pfed   WinterSkrach   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   OTC morphine from poppy seeds - GOOD!   SPAMMER   6434   42   11-05-04 22:09  
  No new posts   fenbutrazate   skanic   853   6   11-05-04 14:57  
  No new posts   % ?   psytech   847   3   11-05-04 06:06  

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