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  No new posts   Drug war costs...   BlaseDeviant   437   5   09-21-04 13:52  
  No new posts   New Resource: Drugs@FDA   wareami   689   1   09-20-04 20:04  
  No new posts   Heavy elements in illicit Methamphetamine   Rhodium   883   20   09-20-04 19:39  
  No new posts   Check spelling sucks?   Ascension   358   6   09-19-04 22:35  
  No new posts   Rotten Teeth from amphetamine and Meth   ADDkid   2632   40   09-19-04 21:20  
  No new posts   Interesting Ephidrine article   Maadmike   867   7   09-19-04 10:25  
  No new posts   GHB/GBL in France   wimpy   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   PACIA - Oz lists update   ApprenticeCook   Thread moved to Law and Order  
  No new posts   source for strike's dateline nbc interview   heavenadisaster   2267   44   09-18-04 12:52  
  No new posts   General Pharmacology   Jade   381   2   09-18-04 01:02  
  No new posts   Reactions of the Neurotoxin Tryptamine-4,5-dione   jsorex   621   5   09-17-04 17:48  
  No new posts   Digest: Salvinorin A and its Analogs in the Literature   Rhodium   767   1   09-16-04 22:51  
  No new posts   Meth. quality? West Coast   localbuilder   Thread moved to Stimulants  
  No new posts   Hydro & APAP..   Bwiti   611   2   09-15-04 00:32  
  No new posts   N-(4-Bromobenzyl)-5-methoxytryptamine Bioassay   scarmani   592   5   09-14-04 07:07  
  No new posts   Reith Lectures 2003: Ramachandran.   jsorex   362   3   09-14-04 00:21  
  No new posts   A little Biochem review for some....   hester18   623   2   09-13-04 11:31  
  No new posts   Definition of parenteral administration   Fastandbulbous   529   4   09-13-04 06:56  
  No new posts   Brown acid anyone?   violethorn   1087   10   09-12-04 17:40  
  No new posts   IM Tramadol   Bwiti   778   6   09-12-04 17:14  

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